Friday, August 10, 2007


So I found this picture in our clip art photos and it is the perfect picture of what I need. After this busy beyond belief summer, I need a quiet, peaceful, special alone time. In front of a fire....well, not so sure about that because I get hot very the picture relayed the "feeling" of what I need. Looking at the calendar...I might get the opportunity in November. Considering how much is still coming in the next couple of months, November will probably come very quickly.

Is that okay? To have a schedule such that November is the first time I could have a little getaway... Is it normal? I don't know. Do I have a healthy balance in my life? I don't know. At a conference once I heard Jill Briscoe say that at different times in ministry life balanced looks different than it might for others. So I do know that I have to keep my focus on God and stay close in His word, do my best to be obedient to all He asks of me and not let myself get sidetracked. I was able to stay away from Kids Kamp this week, which was a big task. I also am not returning to volunteer in Kid Zone. Those are little "big" things that I can do to streamline my areas of ministry to those where I feel I am truly being called to participate.

Tomorrow is Jordyn's 16th birthday! It seems like just yesterday she was just a lil peanut.
Her dad is picking her up from camp a little later (the counselors stay later for a meeting) and then she is spending the rest of the weekend with him. We are having her party next weekend so that she can enjoy her time with her friends at the pool. My friend Amy is celebrating her son's b-day as well! It's a special love you have for those first children---and Amy I think you are so right that our single mom time with them does factor into that relationship. It is a little different--not that we love them more, but there's a special bond there. As she is 16, I thought I'd list 16 of my favorite things about Jordyn...(I know, I know...aren't moms that brag just disgusting? Well if you don't like it, that's ok, I won't be offended if you stop reading

1. She has an awesome laugh
2. She is very kind and thoughtful
3. She has great sense of humor---we get each other's corny jokes
4. She has a great relationship with God
5. She is a good friend
6. She is extremely intellligent and takes school very seriously
7. She is respectful of adults
8. Jordyn is an idealist and looks at the positive
9. Jordyn will sing old 80s tunes with me at the top of our lungs
10. Jordyn cares about what people think, but not enough to allow them to sway her from making wise choices
11. She isn't afraid to witness and share her faith with her friends.
12. Jordyn still gets crushes and likes boys from afar---I love that innocence.
13. She makes friends in all "groups"---preppies, jocks, punk, nerds...she isn't influenced by labels.
14. Jordyn is humble.
15. She is great with kids---has patience and a gift of teaching
16. Jordyn prays and let's others pray for her by sharing her prayer requests.

I am thankful to have this special young lady as my daughter!

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