Sunday, December 23, 2007

So the last DVD cover has been trimmed and inserted into it's case, the last gift wrapped, a son or two knocked out at Wii boxing (woohooo---such a good way to get out, the Nesco dusted and cleaned for the 10lbs. of ground beef I'll be making tomorrow, at least 4 loads of laundry completed...I think I'm ready for Christmas!! Today was really a wonderful day. Relaxing. I made a couple of trips out as I needed to...but there was no rhyme or reason to how anything had to happen. We got a couple of fun Wii games in all together, I made a yummy dinner and we ate together...all that was missing was Jorgy!! I'm glad tho' that she has so much fun with her dad's family and that they are so close. There are many situations like ours where the dad's aren't involved, or the kids don't feel so close as they get older, not here. Her dad's family just loves her to death and it's a good thing. I was thinking yesterday as we 'stole' her back from them for a few hours to open presents and have lunch, that things are going to be so different when she goes away to college. Her time will be limited to begin with and friends are going to be as important to catch up with as her family when she comes home. My friend is such a great role model of how to handle those sometimes ackward years as your child is growing up and out and really not "your baby" anymore. She and her husband have a situation where her daughter and son in law live out east with her precious granddaughter. When they come back to the midwest for holidays and visits, the time is split between both sets of grandparents. For whatever reason, plans of visits and time always seem to be based on what the other grandparents want and what their plans are. My friend told me that long ago she and her husband decided that they were going to try not to do anything to exasperate the situation. They weren't going to be demanding of their time, pout if they didn't get their way, cause the couple any more stress then they might be already having trying to accommodate everyone. Often times they find that the time they have is wonderful, it really doesn't matter if it was their "first" choice of when to be together. Other times, patience and love pays off and suddenly the plans change and they are able to do what the originally intended. Either way, it's great modeling for me. My sister and I have stayed in the area and basically haven't changed or deviated much from what we've always done. As a result, there hasn't been a lot of contention in our home. This may not be the case with our children, especially in the case of Jordyn because she will not only have her own two sets of parents and grandparents...she'll likely have inlaws as well. I pray that I am able to stand back and let her do what she needs to so that her marriage is first and strong and that I don't 'guilt' her into doing what I think is right. Whew---that's gonna be a lot of hard work because while I try to do that now...I know that sometimes I fail. If I'm honest...I know there's been times where I feel like she's choosing her dad's family over ours...normally, I try to be her advocate and give her that freedom--keeping my hurt feelings at bay, but more times then I like to admit, I let my feelings dictate the way that I act and that's so unfair. So anyway....not sure how that came from talking about my that's the fun of just getting on and blogging with no intention!!
Well, I'm off to fold one last load of laundry and stick the ground beef in the fridge to finish thawing. Not sure if I'll get a chance to get on tomorrow, so if not----have an enjoyable, Christ filled Christmas. Remember to let go of any insignificant nonsense because ultimately it will just take your focus away from what the day is about---paying homage to the amazing Savior that came to earth as an infant so that you and I could have eternal life.

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