Saturday, February 16, 2008

Start Spreadin' the News.....

So as a Valentine Day gift to me, my hubby is taking me to New York for the weekend!! I am so excited===YAY!!! We just confirmed everything last night which is why I hadn't said anything about it yet. We leave this coming Friday morning and are staying til' Sunday. Marlon's never been and I have only been there twice back in high school so it's going to be so much fun. It was a great suprise!! I told him we're going to have to take a carriage ride in Central Park because I've always wanted to do that with my honey--snuggling close. With a bunch of high school choir buddies----that just didn't do it

So anyway---of to shower so I can get to Sue's house to set up for the baby shower this afternoon. Marlon also got me "Why Did I Get Married" which I've been so excited to see so that will be my evening.

Peace out sauerkraut!!


Amy said...

Do you think I would fit in your suitcase?

How exciting I am so happy for you :)

Mindy said...

thanks ma'am!! :) We could probably try and make u fit---with all the weight you're losing gettin' all fit...we just might be able to get it to

Josie said...

Hey, girl! Good to catch up a bit! BTW - you've been tagged - check out my blog to find out what's up! Josie