Monday, April 21, 2008

Sharin' some pics......

Just some current pics of the kids...

Jordyn and her dear friend, Maggie. She looked so lovely for prom. Her hair was just beautiful--Heather at Signature really did a great job. This hair-do took over 1 1/2 hours and 80 bobby pins! I'll get one of those posted soon!

My little man Israel. Where in the heck did my baby go and who is this young man??

Mr. Isaiah. Oh yes, it is quite apparent why the ladies love

And our joy giver Elijah. This is a boy who is going get outta his!!

Daily blessings. They are daily blessings and while I know that I can't live my life for them or know how their lives are going to turn out....I am so thrilled to be their mom and to have a significant role in the development of their character, their goals and life!

1 comment:

Josie said...

Your children are BEAUTIFUL (the boys too!! DOn't tell them I said so!)! Those eyes!!