Sunday, December 23, 2007

Family Gift

So this is what has consumed my last two weeks. I made this video slideshow thingy I mentioned in another post for my family/extended family on my dad's side. You may know from reading this, or just knowing me...that the Calderon family is HUGE! ...and close. There is my Grandma, an amazing woman who did her best raising 10 children basically on her own. After my Grandpa died in '76, most of the kids were in their teen years and there she was alone. While my family certainly has it's share of heartache and certainly can't be from a lack of love from my Grandma. Then come 26 grandkids of which I am the oldest. Aside of one cousin who lives in Cali, we all live within 30 minutes of each other. Many of us visit her weekly, if not everyone is definately there for parties, picnics and holidays. Then the great grandkids have started to come and that's already to 21 or 22 (sometimes I lose Add in the inlaws and significant others and it's quite the crew!! Last year Marlon made this great DVD slideshow for his family so I decided to do a little copying and do the same for my family. So over the course of the month, I went to my Grandma's house and got her box of pictures and albums and Jordyn helped me scan in the photos. She really helped me out so much because that was a big time saver for me---having her help. These past two weeks though have really been the kicker as I've been learning how to use the software to make the darn thing and then choosing the pictues, figuring out the layout I wanted to night I kept getting kicked out of Roxio and it was driving me bonkers! But it is finally finished and I actually just burned the last copy. I am going to give one to each of the people over 18 for Christmas. Now I just have to make copies of the case insert and I'm good to go.
This has been a blessed time for our family. I look around and all I can see is blessing. Even in the middle of pain there's blessing. Grandma doesn't have to go for her 2nd stress test until the 30th---which was her prayer, that she wouldn't be in the hospital over Christmas. My aunt's doctor decided against surgery and instead wants her to try a new diet for a while to see how that helps---so she came home the other day as well!! Thanks to all for their prayers. We still have a long way to go in knowing fully what the story is for my Grandma, but I have extreme faith and am staying in constant prayer that everyone is able to handle whatever God has decided is her path. She is not as afraid anymore and says she knows that God is going to take care of her no matter what. She is very thankful that she wasn't in the hospital over Christmas and says that God knew how hard and bad that would have been. We exchanged gifts at my parents yesterday (my immediate family). My parents got the boys a Wii and so they are off and running--or should I say bowling! Connie and her family are taking the 6 of us with them to the Chula Vista for our Christmas gift. We're leaving Wed. for three days and two nights away! The perfect gift for us, I'm so excited. Jordyn got a video camera which she really wanted this year, so she was excited.
Now today is going to be very relaxing. All I need to do is run out to Starbucks to get a gift card to finish up a gift for Marlon's pop's house and get my meatballs and stuff to take to my mom's on Christmas day. Other than that, I'm doing some laundry and cleaning throughout the day, watching TV and I'm sure beating someone up in Wii boxing later ;)
Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. May you hold tight the memories of these years with your grandma and cherish the time you have with her now. God Bless you!