Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh How Quickly We Turn...

Oh how fickle and what followers we are.

As I've posted, this weekend I am teaching the Easter lesson for K-1. Well, tonight the Saturday teachers didn't show I went in to pitch hit for them and teach. Before settling in to talk about Good Friday and Easter morning...I wanted the kids to know a little more about Palm Sunday.

Some of you reading this are going to know this story well. As I was sharing it with the kids, I realized that there are probably many though who don't. And how not knowing this "pre" story...makes the Easter story not quite whole.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, crowds excitedly met and led Him. This was a joyous time of celebration, as they waved palm branches and cheered for Him. The bible reveals that they covered His path with their cloaks and branches and welcomed Him to their city. They shouted, "Hosanna! Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" As He entered Jerusalem, it was asked who He was and the crowds answered, "Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth". You can read about this in Matthew 21.

Within a few days, Judas had sold Him out to the Chief Priests. He offered up His friend for some gold coins. This started the process that would ultimately lead to His arrest in the garden, the high priests finding Him guilty and sending Him to Pontius Pilate. Okay---here's the fickle and follower part. Pontius Pilate asks the crowd---likely many of the SAME people who waved their palms for Him---who they would like set free, Barabbas or Jesus. And the crowd yelled----BARABBAS!

They allowed the jealous and pious High priests to sway them. They allowed their fear and judgement to cloud their opinions. They allowed their fear of the unknown to mess with their head. This is mob mentality at it's best. Jumping on the bandwagon even when you aren't quite sure why you are. Allowing yourself to second guess what you knew to be true simply because it's easier to go along with the pack. It's amazing to me how we are destined to repeat the past and make the same mistakes that were made thousands of years ago.

How alone He must have felt. Read Matthew 26:36-46, in the garden Jesus called out to God, the Bible says that He was sorrowful and troubled. He knew His fate. He knew that His friends betrayed Him. He knew the full story before anyone else did...and yet He did not fight them off. He did not argue and condemn them. He prayed for them, He allowed them to do what they needed to so that the scriptures would be fulfilled and you and I could have eternal life in Heaven with God.

Palm Sunday. Did He enjoy riding into Jerusalem? Could He smile at the crowds cheering for Him knowing how they would turn on Him? He did and He could. Sometimes I can't wait for Heaven so that I might know the answers to all of my questions...

Anyway. How quickly we turned. And still turn.

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