Monday, August 6, 2007

And so it ends...

So Saturday night was a great time of fellowship with people from the ministry in Philippines. We had a TON of great food, including a HUGE pig roast that was carried into the house wrapped in banana leaves and set on the kitchen table to be chopped up.

I was able to meet a few more individuals from the ministry. Every Sunday, Neena and Pipan go to Ilo Ilo to visit a women's jail there. The plan was for us to visit with them the next day. In the morning we were heading to a church where Marlon was going to preach, but since we didn't have to be there until 9am---we were able to sleep in until 6:30. This was a real treat because most other days we were up and out the door by 6am. Sunday morning came, we dressed for church and then got on our tricycle for the 30 minute drive to the church. They had a small luncheon for us afterwards. It was odd and humbling to have so many people during our entire time there just lavish love and gifts on us. We had gone to encourage and love on them...and we came away feeling so special and cared for.

The jail on Sunday was the another one of the 3 most God powered times. These women. I couldn't help but tear up to see their faces...hear their with them afterwards. They were very happy to have us there and even there-one of the women had made me a gift.

Monday was spent shopping in the market and mall. Tuesday we headed to our last prison and spent the evening packing. This prison was probably the least sanitary yet. We were actually able to go in and take a few pictures of the actual cells. You can see just how destitute things there are.

We spent the late evening packing and having great conversation with Brother Bob and Neen. It was hard to believe that our time was just about done. We headed to Ilo Ilo early on Wdnesday morning. When we got to Parola Wharf we waited only a short bit before our van came to take us to the airport. Our good bye to Brother Bob was bittersweet. He put us on the van and we began our 45 minute drive to the airport. Our flight to Manilla was right on time so we got to Manilla about 11:30. Ling's brother, Sam, who lives in Manilla was going to be our guide, however, he didn't get off of work until 2 so he couldn't come to get us until 3pm. These few hours though certainly passed quickly. After all of this airport waiting I really think I could be a professional people watcher! Sam finally came and we headed in a taxi to our hotel. The plan was to stay put for the remainder of the day (Manila is not necessarily the safest city in the world) and then head to the airport by 4:30 am (our flight was at 6:30am) Because we had to get up so early, we wanted to be as close as possible to the international airport so Sam took us to a Japanese hotel nearby.

Now I must tell you something about this hotel that may shock you. I know when I realized where we were...even I BLUSHED! First, the place just seemed...for lack of better word, sexy. Only women were behind the desk, the male staff were all overly friendly, basically everyone coming were couples...then as we registered for our room and saw the photos of the rooms and saw that there were HOURLY rates...we realized where we were!!! It was certainly a culture shock. The hotel rooms had plastic mattresses, doorbells, masseuses that would come to your room---$5 for an hour massage, and free porn on the TV. We didn't watch any mind you....the TV guide kindly had photos for us----yucky!! Marlon and I just sat in the room laughing. Once Sam came and brought us our dinner we settled in, watched Law and Order (Marlon was right---that show IS on everywhere and somewhere---and took short naps. Up and out by 4:00am and through security by 5. Thus began our trek home.

Blessings were so many to number. But initially off the top of my head:
--safe travel
--kids were healthy and behaved while we were gone
--we got to reconnect with Brother Bob and Neen
--we were able to share the gospel at several prisons, the orphanage and just on
the street
--Neen's sister, Angel, who was ill when we arrived got better and was almost
100% when we left
--travel while in the Philippines went very well
--we didn't get sick while there

Lastly, here's just a few more photos from our trip that I wanted to share. Please know we appreciate all of your prayers and love. It means so much to know that we have such positive people in our life helping us live out God's will for us.

Nite all!

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