Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sad day...

So you know those days where your heart just hurts for a friend and it sucks because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it---and nothing that you say seems quite right? My friend lost her job today. Well---a change in the way things are being done, resulted in her being let go. I'm sure there's more to the story---there always is---and I'm sure it was not a decision that was made lightly---but the result still sucks. Sorry to those of you who seriously dislike the word suck. Sometimes it's the true sentiment of a situation.

So when I found out I went right to her and hugged her, cried with her, prayed with her...but I still left feeling like I didn't convey my love for her enough and my heart aching. I pray that she feels loved and encouraged in the days and weeks to come. The current plan is that she will stay and finish up, as well as help the transition of the new system until the end of Sept....how difficult. So I pray also that people are patient and kind to her as she works through this. I also pray for all of us---I think people take for granted what she really does and what she brings to the position. My personal viewpoint (not that anyone asked or cares--but it's my blog so whatever...lol) is that while there are probably many positives to this new way of doing things---it will come at a cost. I don't know if it will be worth it in the end.

So we pray. And have faith that God is in control of everything. If this is the right decision---it means He has bigger and better things in store for her. If it's not the right decision....she only has to stay close to Him, rely on His strength and have faith that He will take care of her---because He will. He redeems all in His time.

Heavy heart. But hopeful spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad she has a friend like you to give her support and prayer.