Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Quite a bit has happened since I last wrote (which was only a few short days ago) Isaiah's soccer team U-11 SFIU took 1st place in the Hartford Tournament. They worked hard, but there really weren't a lot of teams on the same level as ours so they need to keep that in perspective and not think that league games will be the same ease. They are really gelling together nicely and working as a team. I was also impressed by our coaches. Isaiah told us after one of the games that the coaches told them to take it a little easy on the other team, also there was one boy on SFIU who had not yet gotten a goal (the only one on the team) so they told all of the boys to get it to this boy as often as possible to make sure that he got a goal before the day was over. I love knowing that while winning is important...having integrity and good sportsmanship is as well.

Monday I started school! It is going to be a ton of work/reading...but a ton of fun as well. The teacher is so incredibly knowledgable. He speaks about 8 languages including Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic...so he KNOWS the bible. He knows truth in its authority and authenticity. I like that. Having the head knowledge to go along with what my heart and experience already knows to be true will be very wonderful!

Today was Marlon's surgery. It went great! He ended up in surgery for only about 45 minutes! He did have two hernias instead of one so the mesh repair that the surgeon did is bigger than he had anticipated. I am praying that his recovery will be smooth and that he will rest as long as he needs to and not try to push it too soon. God is so faithful and I continue to thank Him for all fo the blessings he bestows upon us. Seeing him being wheeled away I had a lump in my throat because I was nervous...but I knew that God had him and wasn't going to let anything happen to Him that wasn't in His plan. I just wanted to give him a humongous hug when they brought him back to the room! Thanks to everyone who prayed! We are grateful to have such faithful friends and family who love us!

1 comment:

Searching for Myself said...

What great coaches your son has!!
You are so lucky!!

Did Marman save the two little guys and have the doctor put them in a jar for safe keeping?