Thursday, December 20, 2007

Teen MOPS Christmas Celebration!

I've started updating the teen MOPS blog again. Check it out HERE

Ministry--the stress and chaos of the day--totally dissolved as the evening begins. He's so faithful EVERYTIME! Why do we forget that so often? We can do nothing without Him. It may seem like it for awhile--that's Satan's lie---but we will somehow always end up in the same place if we don't stay close to Him. We fall back into our old habits and walk down those dark paths so easily. Materialism, gossip, anger, lying, judgement, disobedience...

Today I choose to put aside my earthly desires and things of this world.


Michelle said...

Hey- Good luck with putting your earthly desires behind...a constant struggle for me! I heard you met Marnie! I was at Church last night and she said...I met you Blog Buddy and I immediately new who she was talking about! We (you and I) will meet face to face...some day, but the mystery is actually kind of fun. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I will pray for your Grandma and Aunt. Stuff like that always happens around Christmas :(!
-Until our next encounter...Michelle

Mindy said...

How funny! I just left a comment on yours about Marnie without seeing that you left a comment on Great minds think alike!
Thanks for the prayers. I'm going to do an update later this morning on all the hubbub around here.
Take care!