Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kids Kamp

So tomorrow bright and early, Jordyn and I will head out to Camp Timberlee for a week of Kids Kamp, Elmbrook's overnight camp for kids entering 4-6 grade. While I've helped at Kids Kamp for evening activities for years, this will be my first year as a counselor. Jordyn is going to be my intern and we have 6 girls assigned to our cabin.

We've been busily planning the last few days (yes, can you say PROCRASTINATION!) and are about 99.9% ready....isn't there always a thing or two that didn't make it into the laundry and quickly needs to be thrown in mere hours before you are leaving? :)

The men will be here alone for the week (we are gone until the 9th) and so it will be interesting to see what the house looks like when I get back. The longest I've ever been away from all of them is just a weekend! Normally, Marlon takes great care to make sure that they get the house looking fairly decent before I return, but I am not sure how they will stay up on a week of dishes, laundry, garbage, cleaning, etc. They all leave the 10th for a week of camp themselves, so at least I'll have ample time to get it back into!

I do have some specific prayer requests that if you would be so kind to lift up for me/us...I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you for doing so.

1) Please pray for safety for the 6 of us until we are together again. Pray that God would show us favor with health while we are apart.

2) Pray that I do not become overwhelmed by 6 little girls when I am normally accustomed to dealing with boys!! That I find joy and beauty in each of them.

3) Pray that Jordyn and I work well together and have peace that transcends all understanding. That we form a united front and this experience brings us even closer.

4) Finally please pray that I lead in His strength and not my own. That I rely fully on Him to get me through the week and reflect Him well.

Talk to you in a week!! Can't wait to post pictures and tell you all about it!!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hey You - been waiting to hear some great stories from Kid Kamp! Miss you blogging...hoping things are still wonderful!!
Much love!