Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So much to tell...

The 23rd was so wonderful. It was so fun just to hang out with Crystal
and her sisters and Jeremy. A family friend brought their daughter over
too, so the boys and Jeremy had fun playing with her. We laughed and
ate, opened gifts, wrote thank you's, talked about things going on in her
life. Crystal and I email just about everyday and talk on the phone a few
times a week...but it was nice to just hang out and socialize with them
all. Marlon, Jordyn, Isaiah, Elijah and Israel came along and it was a
great bonding time for our family as well. It warms my heart to see my
kids give and share...devote themselves to helping others. I will not
soon forget that day and the time we shared. I hope it was as meaningful
for them as it was for us. For all of you who helped make the day
possible...please know that I know God will bless you tremendously for
your willingness to give and share with others.

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