Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tonight I am sitting here thanking God for the gift of friendship of wonderful Christian women that I have in my life. This has not always been the case.
I have always made friends easily. So in my life...there have always been friends, kick it partners, my road dogs, my hoe phi hoe gals. Yes I said..hoe phi hoe. If you didn't u know.
When I got married and became a Christian...I had to separate myself from the life I had been living. My life was engulfed in sinful behaviors. My girls were still my girls. But a LOT had to change. I couldn't hang out like I had...didn't want to. But I had no women who were heading the way I was heading. I had no women who could hold me accountable. No women to challenge me, encourage me or walk with me in my new found faith.
Marlon joined Top Gun shortly after our wedding and instantly connected with this great group of men. They were and still are some of his closest friends. He began pressuring me to find friends. He began pushing me almost into finding women. It drove me crazy.The more he suggested people or tried to make the spouses of his friends-my friends. The more I bucked. I was determined not to have any Christian female friends. After all, weren't they all just a bunch of doormats anyway? Didn't they all have cheery, Martha Stewart homes and Martha Stewart bread baking in the oven? I was sure that none of them had ever perculated in the club or drank a whole bottle of Cisco. I was sure that none of them had engaged in premarital sex or occasionally felt like suffocating their husband with the pillow in an inappropriate fit of immature anger. I thought this meant I would never be able to sneak into the Christian Sister's Club.
So I became comfortable with the fact that I had no Christian friends. And my friendships with some of my old friends were different and odd because my life was different and I felt odd around them. It really wasn't anything they did at all..but it just was. So in essence I felt like I had no friends.Thankfully I've always had a good relationship with my mom and sister...they've been friends as well as family...but they were new believers too.
Eventually Marlon gave up forcing the issue. I am not sure if he got tired or just decided to pray for me or just accepted that I would be the pressure was off.I am not sure how and when and what changed in me...or why these friendships were suddenly able to grow and flourish and exist, but I am so grateful and blessed by them.
Tonight I am thanking God for the blessing of my friendships. I have the joy of mentoring friendships---younger women who have similar struggles..need an older, wiser voice, (um. yes-there are some who consider me older and wiser--go as well as just plain old goofy friends who have known me forever and walked through storms of life with me, as well as strong believing women who ask the hard questions, pray for me, challenge my thinking when it needs to be, bring me back to the Truth when I need it, as well as older women who have been there and can offer advice to me. Some of my friends are believers, some aren't, some I don't think are sure. It doesn't matter. They are all valuable in my life.
God is so good. I thank Him for my friends. I thank Him for knowing what we need and then bringing it into our lives. I pray that my friends know how important they are, how I value and appreciate them and how they help sharpen me. I pray that I am the kind of friend to them that they need.
To God be the Glory.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Yesterday as I sat at my Grandma's dining room table...I looked around and couldn't help but smile. I truly enjoy my family. I truly mean that. Not in a I have to because they are my family kind of way...but really, really enjoy being with them.
While I know many families have their "skeletons"...our family has many things that others might find "unsavory" or "scandalious" or "embarassing". My family has children before we are married. My family uses illegal substances. My family breaks the law. My family gets into fights. My family gambles. My family drinks. My family divorces. My rarely on the same page. We argue and debate--politics, employment, faith, child-rearing, finances, social concerns. We too often hold grudges. We too often gossip. We too often have anger issues.
And yet...
There is devotion to each other. There is unbridled affection. Cousins who I sometimes want to smack because I think they are sooooo narrow minded....the same cousins who probably sometimes want to smack me because they think I am soooooo overbearing....we would go to bat for each other over and over if we had to. They need not ever worry that I would not be there if they needed me. If there was a way for me to humanly help them...there would not be hesitation. It doesn't matter to me that we aren't always heading the same way. That we disagree. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love heals. Love brings people closer together. Love conquers. Love is not a feeling. Love is a commandment. In Matthew, Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. It's not a choice. Jesus models true love...agape love. God loves us unconditionally.
My family also has a great earthly teacher of love. My Grandma. The glue that holds us all together. I am blessed with a Grandmother who loves her 10 children. She loves her 25 grandchildren. She loves her 29 great-grandkids. (and the two on the way!) She loved her husband and chooses to remember and cherish the wonderful qualities he had...when there are many difficult things that she could dwell on and feel pain about. She loved her father and cared for him at the end of his life..bringing him into her home and in doing so allowing us the gift of a grandpa. She loved her grandson enough to take him in and raise him as her own when his parents weren't able to care for him. She prays for each of us and trusts that God can do what she can't.What a legacy of love she has given us. It is not something any of us should take lightly.
Family matters. Family is more than just people you are genetically connected to. I love my family. I pray for my family. I am thankful for the sordid crew that we are and I know that God is doing a great work in our lives. In our generation and in the generations to come. We've come from heartache and pain...blood, sweat and tears...devotion, hard work and loyalty...patience, forgiveness and acceptance.
Thank you Lord for the gift of my family. Thank you for our differences. Thank you for the love that we share and the love that we are given. I am grateful to have them in my life. Help me to continue to live out loud for you, never ashamed of who I am, where I came from or what I've been through..always reflecting your light...always accepting ur will...always growing.
Posted by
12:21 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Brand New Day
Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the hope that we've been waiting for
Everybody's glad
Because our silent fear and dread is gone
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world! It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world! We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony...And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change...For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about, You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world! It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world! We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony...And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change...For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about...You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
So my friend Amy me so thinkin' about this song and it's so stuck in my head that I had to go and look up the lyrics and couldn't stop smillin' :)
If we get our heads and hearts right----racial reconciliation might just be more than a pipe dream!! This doesn't have to mean division unless people choose to let it be. I pray with great fervor that those that think race shouldn't be an issue might understand why it is. Why those that think it is the only issue might see that it's more than that.
I was told on two occasions by two teachers in school that there would never be a black president in my lifetime so I shouldn't even think it was a possiblity.
I am the great granddaughter of a man who ran away from his country at 12 years old because he believed it to be true that in the United States there was opportunity and he could have a good life.
I am married to a man who in his own church had someone let the info booth know that a strange man was wandering in the lobby and should they call the police.
I am the mother of children who were daily being called the "n" word at school right here in Waukesha.
There is a great rejoicing in my heart because the hope that I have kept stirring deep down in my soul...regardless of these circumstances...might now be realized by countless others.
There is rejoicing in my heart because I know that I don't just live in a world that is bound by the laws and bills of the land...but in a world where the Spirit of God is alive and well and He lives in ME and I can make a difference...and that might be now realized by countless others.
There is rejoicing in my heart because change is revolutionary and God is always up to something good. There is more to this world than what the politicians have to say about it.
There is rejoicing in my heart because my son said to me this know--I could be president and I could honestly respond--if that's what God has for you then YES YOU CAN.
God can do ANYTHING!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Modern Day Parenting of Pre-Teen Boys..#2
Oh yes. It went there!
Now I will warn you. If you are not quite ready to hear what pubescent boys have to say and what they are might not want to read this....
The other day as we were leaving the gas station I notice the boys giggling at the attendant who was sporting very attractive hickies on her neck.
Me: So I see you boys noticed the clerk's neck huh?
Boys: (in random order) Huh? What? Oh, um, those marks?
Me: You don't have to pretend...they were hard to miss. Do you know what those were?
Isaiah: Yeah, hickies.
Izzy: Hickies...hahahahahaMe: But what is a hickie?
Elijah: When someone kisses on your neck?
Isaiah: Well, not just kiss...
Me: What?
Isaiah: They gotta suck on it.
Izzy: On your neck? That's weird.
(Oh yes. Please continue to feel this way for at least another 6 years...please)
Elijah: Ohhhh....the girl I think is cute....her sister had a hickie!
Isaiah: ****?? (says name of the girl) She's hot.
Elijah: Yeah, she's in 8th grade.
Me: Do you think hickies are hot?
(now heed this not ask these kind of questions unless you are ready for the answers)
Isaiah: NO...I think it's kind of sick.
Me: But you still think *** is hot.
Isaiah: Yeah...
Elijah: Oh yeah
Me: Would you date her?
Izzy: We aren't allowed to date...
Me: (sigh) If you were allowed to date, would you date her?
Isaiah: Maybe.Me: That is hormones talking.
Izzy: What's hormones?
At this point Elijah turns beat red and starts laughing uncontrollably
Me: Remember when we talked about how during puberty your body is going to change? And how as you become a teenager you will sometimes have feelings that might make your heart race...your face feel warm...that's hormones.
Isaiah:'s also what makes your pants...(he looks at me, smiles)..nevermind
Me: ANYWAY...your hormones can really mess things up if you don't remember to be focused on what's important.
Izzy: How?
Me: Well, look at what you just said. You guys thought hickies were gross. But when a girl that you think is hot had hickies you didn't say didn't change the way you thought about her because of your hormones and thinking she is hot.
Isaiah: Yeah...
Me: What do you think about a girl that has a hickie?
Isaiah: That's she's nasty...maybe a ho
Me: Would you want to date a girl like that? Any of you?
Boys: Naw...eww, that's way...
Isaiah: Well, like she might be nice, like a friend, but I wouldn't want to date her.
Me: So why would you still think of *** as hot? Why would you still think about her? Because of's why I want you boys not to think with your hormones...with your desires because it clouds your judgement. Remember that song we sang, "Man looks on the outside, but God looks...on the heart?" Well, it's true. But we should be trying to live and look on the inside because God's got it right. Let's say you were blind or I blindfolded you. You got to spend time knowing some girls. Someone also told you a little bit about them, but you couldn't see them. Say one you had a great conversation had a lot in laughed, had a great time. And another you didn't have anything in common with...she was a little rude and fast, flirting and talking inappropriately. Based on that alone---who would you pick as a girlfriend?Elijah: The one that I got along wth...
Isaiah: Yeah
Me: And what if when you took your blindfold found out the other one was "hotter"? Isaiah: I get it. Looks aren't the most important thing.
Me: I just want you to try and put your hormones in check. You guys are too young to have a lot of the drama and stress that comes with dating, having girls as more than friends. You have raging hormones but don't really know what to do with them yet.
Elijah: How do you know?
Me: Because it's what made you say that hickies are gross and yet in the same breath say that you'd date a girl with a hickie because she's hot. Thinking with your mind and choose more wisely. Thinking with your hormones is 9 times out of 10 gonna lead to trouble.
Isaiah: So mom...
Me: Yeah?
Isaiah: Um, I know I can't have a girlfriend NOW (this is a boy who would love to call a particular girl his girlfriend)
Me: aren't allowed to go anywhere with a girl aren't allowed to go on there really isn't a point to have a girlfriend. I know your gonna like girls...they are gonna like you...but there's no reason to have a girlfriend.
Isaiah: Ok. But how about 8th grade? Can we talk about it then?
Elijah: Sabes que....he really wants to date Victoria!!
Izzy: ooooo...Victoria!!
Me: Let's get through 7th grade before we go there ok?
One day at a time.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Learning and growing
I have been learning so much about myself, leadership, conflict, change in the last month...I am coming out of it growing and understanding, it's a good thing.
While there certainly isn't total peace in my heart yet about everything that is going on, there is commitment to stand firm in what Christ would have me do...respond as Christ would have me respond...
Tonight my boss and I are going to dinner with the volunteer who I have been having conflict with. More and more I see that I have to make the choice what to enter into. There are some key ministry decisions that might be best for the kids, the department, our mission to kids. These do not and should not reflect the fact that we don't get along the best. I want to always lead humbly, out of reverence for God's timing and with His hand on all situations. Dinner tonight was extended before the issue I talked about previously in my other post...but there was no reason not to keep it. In fact, how precious is God's timing that we would have this opportunity outside of the walls of the church, away from ministry to just break bread together. I have no grandiose expectations for the evening other than a chance to reach out and build bridges. Whether or not we see eye to eye or are each other's cup of tea...I want to do what I can to extend grace and love.
Scripture says to make every effort...and so I will. Not out of obligation, but out of a desire to be obedient and knowing that God will bless the situation and He goes before me.
I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Posted by
4:42 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's all about You, Jesus!
Ok...she might just die of embarrassment...but I really just have to post this not simply because of bragging mom rights. :)I post this full fledged proof of God's redeeming grace and forgiveness...His merciful way of taking our trash and making wonderful amazing things from it...His never-ending, no boundaries, unconditional love.Many of you know that I was 19 when I got pregnant.
Shortly after I turned 20 Jordyn was born and I was thrust into motherhood. For the most part, I was a good mom. But every moment that she was with her dad...I threw myself into a crazy, wild, "Girls Gone Wild" existence. I ran from God every chance I had. I kept Him in a box and brought Him out when I had messed up and needed a savior. It wasn't until many, many years later that I realized that what I really needed was a SAVIOR! It's been a whirlwind journey and I am continually in awe of my Jesus.
So when Jordyn brought this letter of recommendation home, well it brought me to tears. There are so many that would have looked at me....20 years old, a party girl, inexperienced young mom who basically grew up with my daughter, working full time and in college, relying so much on my parents....and never, never have imagined that my daughter would have turned out like this. Please read it as a reminder that NOBODY is ever a lost cause. Please know that I am not looking for kudos as her mom. As a parent I can take only a very small sliver of credit...He has created and gifted her to be an outstanding human being with an amazing future ahead of her. He has done that.
To whom it may concern,
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Jordyn Calderon to your university. I have had the opportunity to work with Jordyn throughout her high school experience as her yearbook advisor. Jordyn joined the staff during her sophomore year and quickly became one of the leaders of the yearbook class. She served as the junior editor and now is the senior editor. Such a title does not come without hard work and persistence. I am constantly impressed by Jordyn's ability to lead by example and the passion she puts into making a nationally recognized yearbook. It is obvious that the other staff members look up to her and that Jordyn has the necessary skills to become a successful teacher. In fact, I can not imagine a better teacher candidtate and can only hope that Jordyn will teach my children someday.
Jordyn is a very balanced young woman. I believe she has developed this characteristic by being involved in a variety of school and community activities. During her time at Waukesha South she has participated in National Honor Society, Prom Committee, stage crew and Yearbook. She has also spent time volunteering at her church and preparing various community events. During all of these time consuming activities Jordyn has maintained a part time job and outstanding academics. Academics are extremely important to Jordyn. She is a student who is constantly challenging herself and truly loves learning. She has taken and been successful in all eight of her advanced placement classes.Jordyn possesses many wonderful qualities.
However, one quality that I feel is in special need of recognition is her genuine sincerity towards others. Jordyn is a very caring person who can relate to all different types of people. I have seen Jordyn demonstrate this quality firsthand in the classroom and with her friends.
In closing, I hope you will consider Jordyn Calderon as an applicant to your university. By helping Jordyn pursue her dreams at your will in turn be helping our society, for I know Jordyn will be a strong leader in her community in the years to come.
To God be the Glory.
Posted by
10:25 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Still here...
Hey everyone...
Did ya think I fell off the face of the earth? I was starting to feel that way too! There was a good couple weeks where there was nothing on my mind except praying for and dealing with the uncomfortable ministry situation that was occurring at my job. It made it very hard to focus on anything else and I found that every time I started to blog all I could talk about was that...and so I would stop myself. I don't like to be a squeaky wheel and I really don't like to run my I found it best just to stay!!
Life has been good and gettng back to normal. I have a few speaking engagements scheduled for this fall and have already been booked for somthing next year. That's really exciting to me. :) I am always thankful for ways to share God's truth!!
Jordyn had her last high school homecoming dance tonight. Her friend did her hair and she looked soooo beautiful! I'll get some pictures posted tomorrow.
Well it's very late/ I have a few friends coming to church tomorrow so I'd better get my lil hiney to bed! Plus...I need a good snuggle session with my hubby! My neck has been bothering me a lot lately and so I havent been able to snuggle. When it aches I have to switch positions so much....sometimes sleep some of the night in the recliner....not conducive to snuggling!! Just wanted to get a post up and let you know I am alive and well and as thankful to God for His amazing grace, truth and love!!
Posted by
12:55 AM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
today was a good day.
the sun was out and i can't remember a day when i was so content
thank u God for ur forever love
Posted by
1:05 AM
Monday, September 22, 2008
When it rains it pours...
Well you know from my previous post...there has been some ministry turmoil in my life. There are actually two situations occurring in my home at this present time. My husband is dealing with some MAJOR issues with his ministry agency and this, as a result, has trickled out to our church--who is one of his financial supporters. The lack of accountability, leadership and protection by his ministry agency is simply appalling to me...and that having been said I'm going to shut my mouth about it because I don't want to make things any worse then they are. We are seeking counsel about how to proceed and what the next step is.
The other situation is one that I am dealing with at work. Things have escalated to an all time high and it is much more than just a different "flava" in ministry. In an e-mail to me...this person gave extensive and detailed changes that he wants made in the curriculum lessons because he believes in doing the best lessons and his really are the best choices (his words not mine) and then proceeded to end his e-mail with this, Mindy, if I could somehow sell my company and do your job for my pay, I would be after your job tomorrow!
We have made this man a leader and Deacon in our ministry...we have given him power and authority over the 8 years he has been in Children's Ministry...there have been hundreds of inappropriate comments...and it has culminated with this statement.
I must admit that as I was first reading the e-mail I was not surprised. There was an issue earlier in the week (which resulted in the post on Thursday) that was taken care of in a way he did not like and I was told that his behavior at church today was simply appalling. I was a little concerned that something was up because both his wife and son barely spoke to me and would not make eye contact when I said hello. From past experience I had a feeling that if he let the other situation lie...there would be another issue that would suddenly become a battle. Just as he has been around for 8 years...I have as well and the entire time we have served in the same department. I know of his antics in Children's Ministry well. I was totally unprepared, however, for the personal attack at the end of his lengthy e-mail. I felt as if I had been spit on or punched in the stomach.
My gut reaction was shock...then anger...then I cried...then weary. There was nothing of Jesus in that e-mail. I agonize for hours when sending this man e-mails, pray with our Pastor when I know there may be difficult conversations so that I can exemplify Jesus. So that I stay armored up. I am not saying this for kuddos, because I know that is what I am called to do. But that's just it. Those are attributes, expectations that we should have for a leader in the church. I am not saying that I always succeed in being Christ-like in my interactions...of course not. But the desire to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and reflect the light of Jesus always needs to supercede my desire to tongue lash. How did we get to the situation where we have a leader, an appointed leader at that (being a Deacon) who is allowed to get away with this for YEARS?
Today I am meeting with my Pastor to discuss this further (he cc'd her on the e-mail) She is going to meet with him individually and correct him and let him know that he needs to apologize. I don't want his apology if it isn't sincere. I know that I am called to forgive and I will do the internal work I need to in order to do so. Quite honestly, I am still a little shocked that someone would be so bold as to put those words in an e-mal...not that they would think them...but that they'd put them in an But I know and believe that words can't hurt me and this morning I am really more annoyed than anything by his statement. Part of me wants to say...oh boy---come and take my job because I can't deal with volunteers like you! What does concern me though is the fact that I know this is not the first time something like this has occurred. It's not even the second time...or tenth time...or sixtieth time. Jesus loved, he forgave, he was gentle and kind. He also corrected and told the truth.
Please pray for me and my Pastor today as we meet to talk about this, pray, figure out how to proceed, what to do. Pray for our ministry and that we are able to keep this out of Sunday mornings. The feeling around the department yesterday was one of turmoil and frustration. Pray for him and his family. That he is able to fully experience the joy of Christ and the privilege it is to serve Him. Pray for me...that I am able to stay humble, kind, loving...while speaking the truth and seeking God's direction at all times in my leading.
Have a great day and may you fully experience God's grace today!!
Posted by
5:35 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
When Your "Flavor" Doesn't Jive in Ministry...
What can you do when individuals in ministry suck you of your joy, patience and their negativity, cynicism and selfishness leave you with a bad taste in your mouth??
But sometimes, sometimes you just need to tell them about themselves as well.
It's funny how when I have a "Praise the Lord" moment like I did on Tuesday (read my Unity note if you haven't) it is often followed by a "What in the world am I doing this for?" moment.
Here's what I've found works for me to put things in perspective...
1) What is truth and what is just worldview? For me, this is especially important to keep in mind working where I do. My life experience and my world view is VERY, VERY different than many other people that I work with. This is a result of my family, my ethnicity, my past, my flava...if you will. Some of that does not make me right and the other person's opinion wrong. It does not make them right and me wrong. Being unified does not mean agreeing with everything or with becoming a cookie cutter Christian.
2) Take a breath and process. When I gut respond to things that I find offensive or questionable..I've found that I am almost ALWAYS responding in the flesh. Flesh Mindy---she's pretty jazzy, sarcastic, crass and socially inappropriate. Spirit Mindy---well, quite honestly is still pretty jazzy and what others consider socially she is definately not as sarcastic or crass. Taking myself away from the situation/phone call/conversation/e-mail for a bit definitely helps with perspective.
3) Remember that Christ loves this person. This person is His child. I only know what I see...not what is in the innermost part of their heart. It isn't my job to judge them or change them or make them see things my way.
4) I am only responsible for my actions and my reactions. If they behave inappropriately that is there's to deal with. If I do...that's all me.
5) Sometimes...after working through all of this...uncomfortable conversations still need to be had. Conflict needs to be resolved and yes, sometimes they need to be told about When I am in the wrong, I want someone to tell me about myself too. This doesn't have to be done rudely, angrily with a scolding tone. It can be done in the Spirit and with love. It can be done simply because in holding others accountable=there is sometimes correction.
6) Often times...what I'm finding is that the person is just who they are. They have no desire to grow, change, find middle ground. They want you to change to their viewpoint and might just through a tantrum if you don't. This one is always hard for me because I dont respond well to bullying, tantrum throwing or threats. But what I can do is continuously extend grace...keep my eyes focused on Jesus...and set about His business.
What in the world am I doing this for?
Him. His call on my life is greater than any uncomfortable's greater than any ignorance...and it's greater than being aggitated by bullies who think if they rant and rave they will get their way.
My focus must remain, at all times, bringing glory to His loving the Lord, my God with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit and loving others as myself. All others. Not just the ones I agree with or like.
Posted by
11:40 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My little friend from Kids Kamp, **Jill**, came and found me on Sunday. It was the first Sunday school and a little chaotic to say the least.
Out of the blue, I saw my little friend running up to me. We hugged that same tight squeeze we did at camp. She let me know that she needed my address again because she had lost it. She thanked me for the card and bracelet I had sent her. I asked how school was going. Was she getting along with her sister....
But our eyes and smiles connected in a different way than our small talk let on. There was that forever bond...that knowing that we shared something special...remembering that moment in time.
I love those moments when you can do nothing but smile in contentment.
Posted by
7:19 AM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A blessing...
I love how God can use all different ways to bless. How simple things, unexpected people and random acts of kindness just show up at unforeseen times. Tonight in Clubhouse Kids I was awed at seeing His hand at work.
Due to some unexpected things we were going to be a few people short tonight. I sent an e-mail asking a few people if they might be able to step in and help...just to make sure we'd have everything covered.Once we got in the swing of things...the amazing things I saw just made me so full of peace that I had to share and write this....
Unity–noun, plural -ties. 1. the state of being one; oneness. 2. a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one. 3. the state or fact of being united or combined into one, as of the parts of a whole; unification. 4. absence of diversity; unvaried or uniform character. 5. oneness of mind, feeling, etc., as among a number of persons; concord, harmony, or agreement.
That is the Websters definiton of Unity.
Scripture says...1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph 4:1-6)
THAT. THAT is what I saw tonight. That kind of unity.
People coming to serve that have absolutely NO connection to Clubhouse Kids. No kids enrolled, no sense of obligation, no reason to be there. It was not about the program or what they were going to get from it. It was about knowing that there was a need, feeling the call to come and then agreeing to be there. One not even hearing or knowing about it until 10 minutes prior.
People serving alongside each other who might never otherwise connect. Doing it as an organic the human body. The body is made up of many different parts...but not different parts assembled together like a car or a building. It starts as a cell...and grows and changes and develops into the whole. Like the body. Like what I saw tonight...the Spirit is like that. It connects and changes and becomes one. Tonight I saw the Spirit throughout Clubhouse Kids.
To be fully unified...all of the parts must function together, yet independently. There can be no pride, no division, no seperation. While there is unity...there is not conformity or uniformity. There is diversity. There is freedom of individuality. There is acceptance of others. Each role is important. There is no star. There is no pride. As I look back over the evening, I have such joy as I think about what I saw.
I am so excited to see what God is going to do this year in Clubhouse Kids. I am thankful that I get to be a part of it. I am grateful to the many people that have been praying for sanity, my leadership, my work load. I am filled with JOY when I see the faces of the kids as they share with their parents what they learned nice their teacher is...that they really wish it wasn't time to go home.
Tonight the church body came together and served in UNITY and I just had to share it!!
To God be the Glory!!
Posted by
11:19 PM
I love how God can use all different ways to bless. How simple things, unexpected people and random acts of kindness just show up at unforeseen times. Tonight in Clubhouse Kids I was awed at seeing His hand at work.Due to some unexpected things we were going to be a few people short tonight. I sent an e-mail asking a few people if they might be able to step in and help...just to make sure we'd have everything covered.Once we got in the swing of things...the amazing things I saw just made me so full of peace that I had to share and write this....Unity–noun, plural -ties. 1. the state of being one; oneness. 2. a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one. 3. the state or fact of being united or combined into one, as of the parts of a whole; unification. 4. absence of diversity; unvaried or uniform character. 5. oneness of mind, feeling, etc., as among a number of persons; concord, harmony, or agreement. That is the Websters definiton of Unity.Scripture says...1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph 4:1-6)THAT. THAT is what I saw tonight. That kind of unity.People coming to serve that have absolutely NO connection to Clubhouse Kids. No kids enrolled, no sense of obligation, no reason to be there. It was not about the program or what they were going to get from it. It was about knowing that there was a need, feeling the call to come and then agreeing to be there. One not even hearing or knowing about it until 10 minutes prior. People serving alongside each other who might never otherwise connect. Doing it as an organic the human body. The body is made up of many different parts...but not different parts assembled together like a car or a building. It starts as a cell...and grows and changes and develops into the whole. Like the body. Like what I saw tonight...the Spirit is like that. It connects and changes and becomes one. Tonight I saw the Spirit throughout Clubhouse Kids.To be fully unified...all of the parts must function together, yet independently. There can be no pride, no division, no seperation. While there is unity...there is not conformity or uniformity. There is diversity. There is freedom of individuality. There is acceptance of others. Each role is important. There is no star. There is no pride. As I look back over the evening, I have such joy as I think about what I saw. I am so excited to see what God is going to do this year in Clubhouse Kids. I am thankful that I get to be a part of it. I am grateful to the many people that have been praying for sanity, my leadership, my work load. I am filled with JOY when I see the faces of the kids as they share with their parents what they learned nice their teacher is...that they really wish it wasn't time to go home. Tonight the church body came together and served in UNITY and I just had to share it!!To God be the Glory!!
Posted by
10:40 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Posted by
12:04 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Modern Day Parenting of Boys...
You may or may not know the song "Damaged" by Dannity Kane. It's got a thumpin' beat and the girls are "wayyyy fine" (to quote my son Isaiah). The other day it was on in the car and we were all jammin' to it. If you've never heard give you an idea...this is a part of the chorus... damaged
I thought that I would let you know
That my heart is damaged
And you can blame the one before
So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
I turned it down a bit to talk to the boys for a sec...and this is the conversation that ensued...
Me: "Hey you know what this song means?"
Isaiah: "um...she's damaged?"
Izzy: "she wants me to fix it"
Me: "Fix what?"
Elijah: "her heart?"
Isaiah: " the new guy has to take care of her now."
Me: "Hm. What do you think about that?"
This is followed by blank stares and shrugged shoulders from all three boys.
Me: "Well, think about sounds like another boyfriend hurt her and now she might have problems and issues that she hasn't dealt with and as a new potential boyfriend she's telling him that it's his problem and she's wondering how he's going to fix her."
Isaiah: "yeah."
Me: "but can you fix someone else?"
Izzy: "naw...they gotta fix themselves."
Me: "well if they turn to God, He will help them. He can heal, fix, solve any problem. But there are girls out there...who have been hurt....and they will look to boys/men to "fix" them."
Elijah: "why?"
Me: "well, there are a lot of reasons. sometimes they do it on purpose, sometimes they just don't handle their problems well and sometimes they don't even realize how damaged they are. but it is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone who is damaged."
Isaiah: "yeah...cuz she's probably all messed up and"
Me: "well, the thing might not always know that she's damaged. there isn't like a "look" to it. but as you get to know someone...there will be some things that you'll notice/see and that will be a red flag to keep your distance."
Elijah: "back off sister!"
Me: "well, you don't have to be mean...but yes, in a way...because when you are young and when someday you get to the age where you can date...or in college when you have a serious girlfriend..."
Isaiah (interrupting): "um mom...I'm gonna have a girlfriend before college, thank you very much."
Elijah: "you wish"
Izzy: "you already do! He already does! I know because I heard him..."
Me (interrupting): "hey, hey...can we get back to the damaged girls for a minute..."
Three heads nod.
Me: "If and when you meet a girl who is damaged...and if and when she lets you know that she's expecting you to fix her...let her know that you can be her friend, you'd like to pray for her, but that you aren't a fix it man and she should give you a call when she gets herself together. You want a whole, healthy woman who has dealt with her damaged issues. It doesn't matter if she's been damaged...but she has to have that taken care of before you can go there with her."
Isaiah: "dang mom...that's cold."
Elijah: "watchya...ta loco!"
Me: "Not cold. Just real. Damaged girls can come out great. I know...I was a damaged girl. God can redeem anything. But it's best to just be their friend and let them heal. You can't fix anyone and it's just a big mess for everyone if you try. Ok?"
Isaiah: "ok mom."
Me: "for real. for real, for real. do you get it?"
All three chime in: "yeah. we get it."
(long pause as I turn the music back up...then...)
Izzy: "hey mom..."
Me: "yes?"
Izzy: "Isaiah does have a girlfriend you know."
Isaiah reaches back to begin to pummel his brother and the moment is lost.
Lord, just take me now. :)
Posted by
10:54 PM
We get caught up in ruts. We stress out over things that 1) aren't important or 2) we have no control over. We miss sweet blessings and peace because we don't allow JOY in our hearts.
For the most part I am a joyful person and I know that I do these things. So I believe that the folks out there who aren't joyful...the negative people who see the cup as half empty have to also these things.
But how can we just switch our minds....our actions....our experience and enjoy...well, JOY?
I know for me, for me...
I sometimes have to make the conscientious decision to accept and experience it. Know that I am aware, as someone who has suffered from clinical depression...that there are times it is beyond our scope of comprehension and control to "choose" joy. I am not talking about people who are in a deep, dark place that they aren't able to bring themselves out of. I would never begin to suggest that someone should just "get over it" and smile. I have walked those lonely tunnels of the mind where nothing you do seems to help.
But a majority of the time...I think we do have the choice, the ability to decide to accept Joy. We make the mistake of equating joy with happiness. Joy is more than that. It's a deep contentment, a strong satisfaction, estatic pleasure...
"...though sorrow may last for the night, JOY comes in the morning...."
"...I bring you tidings of great JOY which will be to all people...."
"...these things I have spoken unto you so that my JOY may remain in you, and that your JOY is complete..."
"....ask and you will recieve, that your joy may be full..."
It's promised to us. Joy. Jesus makes our JOY complete.
If you are a out your JOY. Experience your JOY, spread your JOY, embrace your JOY. This doesn't mean put on rose colored glasses and turn a blind eye to hurting people, to pain and suffering, to heartache. But as you enter into conversations with hurting people...don't hide your JOY either. As you walk through storms of pain and suffering...don't allow others to steal your JOY. When you counsel and witness to those with aching hearts...don't pretend that you don't have the JOY of the Lord as your strength. You do. He's told us. If we believe that He is who He is and that the Word is the living, breathing Word of God...then we must find our JOY and let it explode from in us.
Don't be afraid. You won't believe how good you're going to feel. It's not my promise. It's HIS!!
Now we might not all have the freedom to show our joy as my son Elijah....but oh, to be so free to just jump up and dance because we have that much joy in our hearts....Whether you shimmy and shake like Elijah here....or just allow the sweet Joy of Jesus temper your thoughts, actions and heart....I challenge you to allow JOY to dictate your day. You might be suprised at the joy it will bring you!!
Posted by
2:54 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Kids Kamp Story #2
Friendship in unexpected places......and with unexpected people.
I have always made casual friends somewhat easily. I enjoy people, getting to know their stories, am a little nosy about what makes us tick and am fairly I usually have no problem making casual friends.
That being said...I was not prepared to make friends with so many people at Kids Kamp. I knew I'd have fun, meet some great people, have a lot of laughs...but not meet true brothers and sisters. Now there are different kinds of friends...this is very true. Not every friend is that close, daily accountability person, not every friend is that first phone call when something good or tragic happens...but that doesn't mean they aren't friends just the same.
Scripture tells us, "Where two or more come together in my name..there am I with them." (Matt. 18:20, NIV)
At Kids Kamp...we were ALWAYS coming together in His name. We played together, laughed together, ate together, praised together, learned together, prayed together, taught together, danced together...all in the name of Jesus. And I felt His presence in a way that paralleled my experience at the She Speaks conference.
Now the majority of the people that I spent significant time with for an ENTIRE week...are no longer a part of my daily life. Nor were they before camp. And yet...I consider them friends just the same. I pray for them. I smile when I think about them. When I randomly run into them I hug them and catch up. I genuinely love and respect them.
It has given me pause because it has made me realize the power of prayer and praise in another way. I've always loved the fact when I pray...when I communicate with my Father...I feel close to Him in a way that nothing else compares with. One of the reasons I love praise/worshipping through song so much is that I experience His presence in an incomparable way and can feel the Spirit move in me.
But what I now also see is that when I pray and praise Him with others...the connection and closeness I feel with them is something that not much else compares to either. Leaders that I hardly knew before that week...I now can't imagine not having met. This includes an intern who is only 18, a counselor who is 23 and a village leader who is 52! We have hardly anything in common...but that we love our Lord! Yet there is a bonding I don't quite know how to explain when you join together in His name. It's family. His family because He is there with You. And He is love...a Divine love that we will never fully comprehend and yet He allows us to experience it.
To God be the Glory!
Posted by
10:02 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Goin' thru old pictures and just had to share this one from when I was little. It's the oldest 9 grandkids (there ended up being but I loveeee this picture. There's nothing like coming from a close family that still to this day gets together at holidays...look to each other for advice...give it even when we're not asked :) each other out and defends each other to no end!
Mahleah, Cristy, me holding Rafe, Jr. holding Connie, Tiffany, Becky and Shawn. What a bunch!
Posted by
10:08 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
What do you think?
Interesting question I have not quite come to have an answer for yet...
Would Jesus have been a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
Posted by
3:24 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
God really can use ANYTHING...
even bathroom accidents!!
This is a story from the Kids Kamp is long...but there are some background details that are pertinent to the story, so please bear with me.
One of the young girls in our group was the odd man out. Most of it of her own doing. She is a home-schooled child (now please know I am not bashing home schooling here---I know there are many families that do a great job with home schooling, however, there are also families who do not) that seems to never have been taught social appropriateness, how to share, how to work together on a team to learn, how to raise her hand, how to let others finish speaking, how to not be concept of group dynamics. The other 5 girls simply were not endeared to her. And I must admit, neither was I. During our counselor morning devotions I asked for prayer specifically that I could love her. I knew she was just a child (just 9 years old)...had high family expectations to be perfect (I know of this family from working in Children's Ministry)...and I wanted to leave at the end of the week knowing that I loved on her.
Throughout the beginning of the week there were repeated incidents where the drama ensued. Oh ladies...having a particurly mild mannered daughter and three wild boys...I was not fully aware of the drama that a group of girls ages 9-11 can have. Was I aware---of course. Fully aware? After being exposed to it for 24/7 for a full week...I can say I was not fully She was constantly losing something and blaming others, walking away from the group and then upset we left her, attempting to bully the others into doing what she wanted for free time, interrupting excessively during group bible study. And I prayed. And prayed. And prayed.
Then came Wednesday night. The evening activities were always really fun full camp games. Everyone would often be off on their own, or in small groups because there was staff/volunteers everywhere. This was the evening of the Mission Game. As the game was ending and the children were being ushered into Cross Timbers for worship and little friend was nowhere to be found. Initially this was not suprising because on Monday and Tuesday she was always the very last child to come dashing So I kept an eye out but got the others in the group situated. As we were waiting for things to get started two of the other girls asked to use the restroom. After it seemed they had been gone quite a while, I left Jordyn in charge and set out to find the missing Divas. I crossed paths with the two and they let me know that *Jill* (name changed for obvious reasons) was in the bathroom and had an accident. They also let me know that they had gone to the cabin to get her some clean clothes and a bag and that's what took them so long. One even said, "Aren't you glad that we were nice to her because she is never nice to us." Wow.
So I venture to the bathrooms to see what's up. As I enter the bathroom I am overtook by the intense smell of something so retched it simply couldn't have come from a little girl. Obviously, some boys in the camp have been collecting their bowel movements for the entire week and chose this moment to empty them into the girl's bathroom. Unfortunately I tenatively call out for my friend..
"Jill? Jill?"
"Um..hello, yes? Mindy? right out." The hurried, frightened voice stammered out.
I see her shuffling feet, dirty clothes and yes...the mess (which I will call it from now on) all over the stall floor. Poor thing.
"No hurry, hon. I'm here to help you."
"Oh..I don't need any help. Just fine thanks."
"Well, let's check it out anyway."
I enter the stall next to her and sit on the toilet. I lean against the wall between us and can hear her soft crying and hiccups.
"Jill, will you let me help you? I saw the girls on the way back to Cross Timbers and they let me know what happened."
"Oh. They did. Oh. Um, well I'm okay."
"You have clean things to put on?"
"Well, that's the thing...(big sigh)...they picked something I already wore, it's a little dirty."
I'm thinking, sister, it's 4 million times cleaner than what you HAD
At this moment, the bathroom door swings open and some girls come in.
"Oh--my gosh--what in the world!"
"It stinks!"
"Ewww...that's nasty!"
Oh. My poor Jill. My heart is aching at this moment. I hear her deep breathing start up again. I stand up and go to the outside of her door. I motion to the girls to be quiet. The bathroom is now continuing to fill with girls as they have apparently been let on a bathroom break. Each one comes in with a louder yelp of disdain for what they are smelling. I hear Jill start to cry again.
Very quietly I lean away from the door and to the girls, " kind. You need to stop. Someone is sick, you need to show compassion." One girls says, "Oh...I was in here earlier, is that the little girl who was crying?" I nod. Now God bless this little girl because from that moment on as new people entered she quieted them. I had to turn away to laugh at one point because someone came in saying, "Why does it smell so awful in here!" and she responded, "It's a bathroom, duh!" lol
Back to my friend. I asked her to open the stall door just slightly. She did.
I have never been so consumed by compassion for someone before in my life. Her tear stained little face looking up at me, the pitiful state of the stall, clutching her nasty little bag of messy clothes...she said in a hushed voice,
"Please don't make me leave Mindy. I can't go out there."
"I'm sorry Jill. You're going to have to leave. We can't stay in here all night."
"Oh no. I can't walk out there. I just can't."
"Yes you can. Here's what you do. Take a deep breath. Look straight ahead and just walk quickly right out of the bathroom. You can walk right outside and wait for me by the rocks."
"What are you going to do?"
"Well, I'm gonna see about cleaning this up and then I'll meet you and we'll go back to the cabin."
"Oh, no...we don't need to, I'll just carry my bag."
Oh no you won't
"No, I think we need to go back to the cabin and take care of everything. But I'll handle this first. Go on, you can do it. Take a deep breath & walk right out." And she did.
So I turn to the stall and tackle my own private up the mess. There is mess EVERYWHERE. On the floor, on the walls, on the toilet seat...Lord Jesus, what in the world was she doing in here? I start with the plunger and alas, it is torn and so not functioning properly. This leads me out to the kitchen to request another from the staff. I have the sense to ask for a pair of gloves as well. I return and for the next 10-15 minutes do my best to clean up, disenfect and scrub that little stall.
As I walk outside, I see her there. All curled up waiting for me. We walk back to the cabin hand in hand and I make small talk to distract her. The tears dry up. When we walk I tell her to have a seat on her bed and I'll be right there. When I go in, she looks so distraught and sad, my heart can't help but break a little for her. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her.
"Now what happened? Can you tell me?"
"Well, I've been constipated for a few days. The food here is not conducive with my normal diet. I could tell that I needed to go. While we were playing the game I felt it. But I thought I had enough time. Then I couldn't find a bathroom, why don't they have more bathrooms around here. I couldn't find one so I knew I had to run to the main one. So I was running and then so many people were in my way. Then some girls stopped to ask me something. I totally didn't have time to stop and talk to them, but I did. So then I knew I wasn't going to make it. And then it was too late and I...."
"Jill? Jill. It's okay. You had an accident. Accidents happen sometimes. You don't need to feel bad, or you know that you aren't even the only one who has had an accident this week?"
"Really? Who else has?"
"Well, that's not important, what's important is that you know that you aren't alone. There's nothing wrong with don't have to worry about it. It's ok."
"No it's not. It's gross. It's been years since I've had an accident. I can't believe's so gross and then you had to help me...I'm so sorry you had to help."
"Oh no, don't be sorry. That's why I'm here. That's what I'm here help. To take care of you. To make sure you're ok. It's all a part of it."
" let's get you and the clothes cleaned up so we can join the rest of the group. I'll clean your clothes while you wash up and change."
She gasped and looked at me with horror in her eyes.
"Oh no way. I can't let you clean my clothes out!! I'll do it later"
"No, no. I'm going to do it. No questions asked. You're going to let me help you. I want to. (I want to? Did I just say that? lol) I have cleaned up mess before and Jill, it's not a problem. Now we're not going to argue about it. I'm helping take care of you. You can wash up and I'll wash out your clothes"
"Well, um....could you leave for a minute and then I'll meet you out by the bathrooms? Um, please?"
I'm thinking that the bag of mess is hidden somewhere in the room so I leave. We meet by the bathrooms and she says,
"I really wish you wouldn't do this."
"I know. But I'm glad you're letting me help you. It's really okay Jill. I'm a mom, I work with children, I used to be a CNA...I've cleaned out many sets of clothing in my day. No worries. You wash up."
As I open the bag I see the severity of the mess. Oh Lord, just take me now! This is definately a toilet washing job. So head over to a stall and gingerly start to take each article out. Now some of you might not know the toilet washing method. You put the clothing in the toilet water, shake it all around, flush the toilet and as you do let the clothing fall slightly down the drain (hold on tight) and pull up on the clothing. Repeat again and again until the mess is gone.
Jill approaches as I'm on the last article of clothing.
"Wow. That works good."
"Yep. It's a mom trick. The best way to clean up messes and see it's not even really gross for me to do it. Nothing to worry about. It's getting nice and clean."
" did someone teach you that? How do you learn how to do that?"
"You know what...I'm not sure how I know it. I just know that just about every mom I know...knows how. It's one of those mom things."
"I don't think my mom knows how."
"Oh, she might. If not, maybe you can teach her."
"Naw...I don't think so."
We go to the sink to get a final good hot water rinse and squeeze out the clothes. I let her know that we'll let them air dry and then find a plastic bag to put them in.
"Oh no we can't. Then my mom will know. I can't let them know."
"Why? It was just an accident. Accidents happen."
"Please no. Just don't tell them. It's horrible that it happened. It is so embarrassing and gross. I shouldn't have done it. Please don't, Mindy, please don't tell them. They can't know, they just can't."
She is pulling on my arm and looks like she is going to cry again.
"Will they be mad? Will you be punished?"
Social worker always kicks in.
"No...not mad...just...probably disappointed. It'll be so horrible for me. Please...please."
Shame. Oh why do we parent our kids with shame.
"Alright Jill. I won't tell them. But I do hope that you someday will. You have nothing to feel bad about or ashamed about. Accidents happen."
As we are walking back to the room to hang the clothes to dry she now has her arm around me. I have never seen her this close to anyone. We tidy up her area, make sure she look acceptable and hang the clothes to dry.
As we are heading out she stops me.
"Oh!! I have something very serious to ask you Mindy."
" I smell?"
"Do you what?"
"Do I smell? I feel like I smell? Do I?"
I lean in a little and take a big whiff.
"Nope. You don't smell."
"Well, I wouldn't smell up there."
So I lean down slightly and take another whiff.
"Nope. You're good to go Jill. You don't smell at all."
"Are you sure? I mean, I think I would smell a little. It was so gross. And I just really don't feel clean..."
"Jill, would you like a little of my raspberry body spray? That might do the trick. Sometimes at camp it's hard to feel clean...but I promise you, that you don't smell. But if you'd like some body spray, we can make extra sure."
"Oh that's a good idea."
So we walk back to my room and I spray her.
As we are heading out again...holding hands...she stops me again. She grabs me with both of her skinny little arms and pulls me very close. She buries her head in my belly and squeezes as tight as humanly possible.
"Thank you Mindy. Thank you for helping me. You're the best leader ever. I love you."
As my eyes well up with tears, "You're so welcome Jill. I'm so glad that I was here for you. I love you too. You're a very special girl and I'm so glad that you're in my group."
I will forever remember that little girl. That moment. I don't know what she is returning home to. I don't know if the small moments of peace and comfort and love she felt at camp will drastically alternate her life right now. I don't know if she learned that being perfect and right doesn't matter. But I do know for that moment...she knew.
Here is the just of that moment...
I deserve no kuddos or praise for anything I did. Because that was nothing short of God in me. I don't have patience like that, I didn't even realize how much I actually cared for the girl, I normally would have tried to rush back to worship because I was missing singing...
But for the Holy Spirit.
A friend who was at camp and knew the story told me, "Don't you see? At that moment you were Jesus to her and she will never forget that."
It made me cry. And humbled me.
I am so not worthy to be His vessel. I am so not holy enough, compassionate enough, righteous enough...and yet...He sees fit to use me.
When I allow myself to be open to the draw close to Him for follow His prompting...He will do amazing things.
He will love a little girl who is hard to love and He will show me how to love her too.
There are many, many times in my life that I don't get it right. I lose my patience, say the wrong thing, judge another, hide in my pain, look the other way. But that day, that moment in time...I am thankful that I was obedient and followed His leading instead of my own.
I am grateful for a God who can see past my inadequacy and use me just the same.
To God be ALL the glory!
Posted by
8:13 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just a lil meme before bed....
Is your bra pink? in my jammies. sans bra. (sorry for anyone who offends
Are your toe nails painted pink?
nope. red. i'm a diva remember ;)
Has a boy put their arm around you in the past 5 days?
yeppers. boys and a man!!
Has someone ever called you beautiful? yep
Are you wearing short shorts? nope
Do you enjoy wearing dresses? yes...i love dressing up
Ever turned a boy down you shouldn't have? honestly? yes.
Are your fingernails painted black? no
Do you straighten your hair often? naw...don't have enough to really straighten
Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? no...i think it's geeky
What would you do if you received a long love letter? get all comfy and read it over and over
Who was the last person to text you? and what does she/he said? not close to my phone so who the heck
Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? certainly but there was a time when i wouldn't have
On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? depends on the guys. some 1...some 10!!
In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? Jordyn and I are in a house of guys so that's pretty much a given
Do you like to hold hands? yeah..but my hubby doesn't!!
Who do you tell everything to? God and most things to my sister
What color is your hair? black right now
What makes you happy? singing praise songs
Do you miss someone? yep
What are you excited about? starting this intern class at work on monday
Do you have any tattoos or piercing?only my ears...i let my nose close up years ago and tattoos are so expensive. but i do want one
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? in life yes. in depends. for example...when i was in an abusive relationship, i forgave him...but i couldn't give him a second chance because i knew i would never be able to trust him again.
Where is the person you want most? at the moment i most want marlon's granny here to bounce some ideas off i guess heaven
Where will you be 2 hours from now? in my bed
What are you doing tomorrow? WORKING
Where were you at 9am this morning? service was just letting out
Do you fall for people easily? used to. haven't fallen for anyone in YEARSSSSSSSSSS
Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't? no..i'm usually pretty straight forward
Do you have anything in your pockets right now?No pockets.
In the past week have you gotten sick? nope
On a scale of 1-10, how good is life? 8
Who's your best friend? sister and mom are givens.... Jackie, Amy
Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere? anywhere i could get a good massage
Do you want someone you can't have? nope
Whats your favorite smell? oh...i have a LOT of smells. i like the smell of freshly washed babies, lilacs, a scrubbed clean house, bleach, warm cookies, a clean cut just showered man, coffee, mexican food... Smells are good. I love that one of my senses. :)
Posted by
11:49 PM
Jordyn's Senior Pictures
Had to be a proud mom and show off Jordyn's senior pics :) Her uncle is a photographer and took her pics this afternoon. He took probably close to 100 pics...but these are my favorite 5. Such a lovely young woman!!
Posted by
11:10 PM
Oh my goodness!!
Now here's the story behind how this picture became available for the world wide web.
You may have heard of Facebook. Well I belong and of course little by little, my friends old and new find me there. One such person is Curtis Olson. Curt's older sister (see her pictured was one of my best friends growing up so of course Curt and I added each other as friends. Curt also knew my sister well and added her. He has such fun childhood pictures up on his page. One that he has is a class picture from the year my sister was in his class. She left a message for him saying, "Thanks for posting that picture and reminding my sister of how she used to tease me for my Mary Lou Retton hair cut and smile!" Or something like that. This was all unbeknownst to me.
So imagine my suprise when the next day as I log in to Facebook, I see that he has added this picture with the caption, "For making fun of Mary Lou Retton" Hilarious! This kid had a great sense of humor then and I see he still does! I was like, how in the world did he know I used to tease Connie about that? lol
Anyway...the picture made me laugh so hard that I had to share it. This was during A Chorus Line, the summer of 1987!! Crazy huh? Ah how I wish eyebrows like that would come back in style. It'd make my life a little easier!!
Posted by
12:33 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Since Kids Kamp...
The day after we got back from Kids Kamp, Marlon and the boys left for Urban Camp. It was quite a relaxing week for me and made such a great atmosphere to process and rest after my long week. Here's a little of what I've been up to since.... Sarah and Rob (camp staff) got married!! It was such a fun wedding and so sweet to see young, positive people so in love!!
My mom, Jordyn and I headed to Minneapolis for a college tour and of course a little shopping at the Mall of America. It was a great time and the school is amazing! Jordyn said that she could totally see herself walking around the campus and living there. The thought that I have a senior kind of blows my mind. Man does life fly by.
Posted by
8:19 PM
Kids Kamp
What an amazing week! And tiring!! Don't let me forget to add tiring!! lol
Part of what has kept me from blogging is that I haven't really been able to formulate the entirety of what I experienced into words that would justify the experience. Dana---thanks for your encouragement to just get back on here and get started! In the days, weeks to come I will share different moments and how they touched me...affected me....but for are some pictures to show a little of how the week went!
Posted by
8:17 PM
The Fiesta Divas
Here's some pictures of our group of ladies. I love them each and can't wait to follow up on them and see where God takes them. Wednesday night is always the evening we share the gospel message and then ask if any of them would like to accept Christ in their life. Four girls. Four girls accepted Christ. Praise to God!!
Posted by
8:07 PM