Thursday, February 7, 2008

Busy busy busy

I think I will probably collapse on Sat. after the conference is There was soooo much stuff to do today. I'm glad that I had at least gotten some things done from home yesterday--that made it a little better. I was able to at least stay on top of most of the things that I need to do so tomorrow shouldn't be too bad. We are up to a little over 800 people now...and at least 30 registrations came in today which will be walk-ins. There's usually about 50 walk-ins that just randomly show up so we're looking at potentially about 900 people! Of course, I think a big draw this year was Phil Vischer---the creator of Veggie Tales. There's a ton of smaller churches throughout the state and IL bringing their whole teams of Children's Ministry staff. I think the largest group is from a Hmong church---they're bringing 20 people! It'll be a long day but should be fun---we always get along and have a good time when we're in our element like that. I just have to finish up my talk and then I'll be good. I am speaking on Worshipping with Preschoolers: More than Just a Sing a Long. So far there's about 50 people signed up for my seminar. It's always a hard topic for me to talk about because it's kind of a hard thing to explain how it Maybe next year I'll talk on a different topic so it won't take me so long to get my talk together.

Well, I survived the meeting without any catastrophes so I was proud of When I got home I asked Isaiah again, if Troy can't be the coach this sprint would he want to play. He said no, he's excited to start this Milwaukee basketball leaque (basketball is part of the reason he didn't do 2nd session) and he is serious about trying football in the fall. So that's that. Oh my goodness---the game tonight...that boy is such a hot head in basketball!! Watching him and Elijah on the basketball court's so funny because it's like they just instinctively know where the other is going to be. They've only got a few weeks left with the Waukesha team and then they'll focus on the Milw. team. He asked if he didn't like football could he go back to soccer. Those boys are such sport die-hards I don't think they care what sport they're playing as long as they're playing!!

So on Sunday Jordyn is doing a Polar Plunge with my sister for the Special Olympics. I had planned on doing it as well...but there's just so much going on this weekend already that she is graciously letting me bow out. Then I also get to see any games of the tournament this weekend that are on Sun. Jordyn should be a hoot because I just can't imagine her heading into that freezing water! My family is going to have to take a LOT of pictures of this.

Grandma continues to do well. She hates the walker, but really does need it and so I'm happy that she ALWAYS uses it. I will never be able to praise God enough for who He is and how He continues to work through my family. It's such a blessing the way that He used her illness to bring my family even us talking about things that we haven't before...helped us remember how much we can rely on each other and Him. Next on the docket is once she's healed getting her back surgery done. She's said that she's not even considering it at this point because "she's done getting cut up" Ay yi yi...that women! Gotta love her :)

Alrighty-off to cuddle with my hubby. Nite!

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