Sunday, February 10, 2008


So we just got back home after an afternoon of lounging at my parent's house. Jordyn is reading, Marlon's playing Stratego with the boys and I am trying to decide if I'm going to do any laundry. I was able to take a yummy nap at my parent's house so that was nice. We slept in and skipped church today. I don't always like doing that, but I really just wanted to sleep as late as possible after the hectic few days I'd had. I slept until just about nine! Yay :)

The rest of the conference was just great. My seminar went really well. It's funny when you just know when you were on and when you weren't. I was definately on. What I wanted to say just came out clearly and by the evaluation sheets the people that attended were very pleased. It's not always that way so I am always happy when it DOES go that! The main thing I was worried about was that people were going to come with the expectation of getting ideas for worship songs to do with kids...for fun songs to sing. I titled my talk, "Worship With Preschoolers: More than a Sing a Long" simply because I wanted to relay that it would not be there. I did a lot of praying that the people that came would be open and ready to hear some of the challenges that I was going to share and give. We disservice our kids when we think of "worship" with them as just the time in Sunday School where we sing a few songs. When we sell them short and only sing catchy little tunes with catchy little movements. They can experience the Spirit and feel it in their souls. They can feel that joy within during worship that makes them just want to smile===even when they aren't quite sure why. That's the spirit. As adults I think we shy away from that because we think it sounds hokey. Like people, especially non-Christians, are going to think we're just a crazy religious person if we talk about things like Well--they might I guess. But that doesn't make it not so. When you acknowledge the presence of God and when you are truly adoring Him in all His can't help but feel the spirit. In my talk I shared how little kids are so willing and able to feel that. They aren't ruined yet by peer pressure or looking "cool"....they aren't thinking about who might be looking at them and thinking they are a geek for worshipping...they can just sing and dance with full abandon and love the Lord with all of their heart, mind, soul. I shared some self checks the worship leader can do to prepare themselves to lead worship with kids. I shared some simple tips they can do to ensure that the environment is conducive to real worship. I imagine thousands of kids worshipping over the state and it makes me smile. I also challenged them to worship God---thank Him, adore Him, love Him themselves. Not just for what He gives us, not just because as Christians we're "supposed" to...but because He is the Almighty Creator, who is Eternal and Sovereign and designed each one of us and allowed His son to die simply so that we could be reconciled to Him. I'm thankful that it went well.
At 5 last night we went to the last basketball game for the tournament. It was a pretty close game the entire time until the last few minutes when I think some of our guys forgot they were playing We ended up losing by 10 or 12. The other coach was ridiculous. We had a player foul out and he cheered. Like very blatantly. Every single play he just sat and argued with the refs. Not just the ones that were bad calls (because let's be honest-in all sports sometimes the refs make bad calls) but even the ones that were very obvious fouls. Then when Isaiah fouled out he leaned over and clapped really loud and slow and yelled, "Hey way to go 44...way to go" Isaiah just looked at him and shook his head. Later he told me, "Man, if that had been a kid I might have hit him" I was like, "Look Allan Iverson...relax, relax." But I must admit when the coach did that I was ready to run down There were some parents from the other team behind us just cussin' up a storm. That is something I don't think I will ever understand. Why in the world does sports bring out cussin' so much in some people! Like the article about that new coach DSC is thinking about bringing in....where he was dropping the f-bomb...why is that tolerated? I just don't understand. It's even worse to me when that occurs with children. First of all-why do people think it's motivating to players? Second of all-it just shows a lack of verbal skills that you can't think of anything else to say. Third of all-with children-you are in a position of authority over children that are not yours-you have a responsibility to be a good example to them. I reminded Isaiah that sometimes coaches can't control themselves and they get so caught up in the game and their emotions and their frustration that they forget they are in charge of kids and should be setting a good example.
So Jordyn didn't have to do the plunge today. Because of the weather they cancelled it. I secretly, well now not so secretly, happy because I wasn't sure I really wanted her to do it. I just know sometimes she is not the most coordinated thing and honestly I was a little worried she might get hurt. I know--nerdy mom. So shoot me.
Alright. I can't put off laundry anymore. Amy--I got your voicemail just today! I had my phone on silent from the conference! I will either give you a call a little later or call you tomorrow from work.
Peace out sauerkraut!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I know after I called I realized...duh she's at the conference....oh well :) Yeah just give me a call tomorrow.

And I am VERY jealous...sleeping in AND a nap...not for this mommy :)