Sunday, April 6, 2008

Just thoughts....

What a beautiful weekend wasn't it? It was so easy to have a little pep in my step, smile for no reason at all, find myself singing... People on the street/in the stores seemed happier, cashiers were more patient, the kids were more at ease since they'd had time to be outside...The warmth we'd all been craving had finally come!!

It got me thinking. Just a week ago, when it was so dark and lost and sad and hopeless it seemed. Frustration set in easily...people were easy to look at the glass half empty.

How often do we treat our walk with Christ the same way? When things are going well...sunny and bright...we feel so loved by God. We thank Him for blessing us....we praise His wonderful kindness...we step lightly and share openly how amazing He is. But in the darker days? In those storms that come, we call out to Him asking why he's abandoned us...we feel lonely and lost...we just want to curl up and not face the day.

He is always there. He NEVER will leave you. When you call out to Him, He listens. He has only our best interest in mind. Think of a person in your life that you love. He loves you 1 million times more than you love that person!! I know that my views might sometimes seem too simple...but really it is that simple. God is no less there in dark times than he is in bright. He does not change. He does not leave us.

We change. We lose focus. We wander from Him.

Bath yourself in prayer. Surround yourself with people who can speak the truth into your life, people who live a life striving after God, people who will love you when you feel lovable---but even better, on the days when you don't feel lovable. Stay in the word. Fill your heart and mind with God's word so that you can stand on it's truth. Get your selfish ego out of the way to allow Him to do his work and take care of you.

Thinking about His goodness makes me smile. Smiling makes me think about a new day. A new day makes me think I'd better get to sleep!!

Nite all!!

1 comment:

jessi said...

amen sister!