Friday, June 27, 2008

A Family Weekend

Ah...everyone is going to be home this weekend. No sports, Jordyn's here, aside of a funeral in Madison I'm going to tomorrow--it should be a pretty relaxing weekend.

Marlon and the boys are at the barber shop right now, I just finished a Tae-bo video, and Jordyn ran to use my parent's treadmill, but in a bit we're going to sit down and watch a movie together.

This weekend is the last weigh-in and I would love for us to win because I'd love Jordyn to get a bunch of new clothes for her new body (I actually have a bunch of stuff that I haven't been able to wear in awhile--but she needs clothes bad) I've let her know though that even if we don't it's okay because we've both done something we didn't think was possible. We've lost a LOT of weight!

Well, I hear my boys are here. Be back later!!

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