Thursday, October 13, 2005

Night of rest...

So yesterday when I left work I had the worst headache. The
kind that makes your eyes hurt and makes you feel nauseous.
When I got home, Marlon sent me to bed and took care of every-
thing! He called his bible study group to say that he wouldn't
be there, he got Jordyn off to youth group, took the boys to the
library so the house would be quiet and gave them their showers-
put them to bed. I slept from about 6:30pm until 11:30pm!!
After waking up for a couple of hours, I went right back to sleep
until this morning. It felt so good to sleep and even though
there is a little bit of the mommy guilt that I wasn't there...
it's so wonderful to know that I have a husband who is not only
able to handle everything, but is willing to do it!!

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