Friday, November 23, 2007

Could it be a relaxing Friday?????????

What a great day so far. Got to sleep in (9:00!!!) and then got up and made breakfast for the boys and Marlon. (Jordyn went to her daddy's for Thanksgiving and is staying through the weekend---while I do miss her when she's gone--I know that she loves spending time there and never want her to feel like she's doing something wrong by choosing to go there instead of staying home.)
We all vegged on the couch watching Ninja Warrior and then Izzy and I headed to Wal-Mart to get his friend a gift, after which I dropped him off at the party. Marlon left at 2:30 with Elijah to the basketball tournament at Arrowhead, I went to snag Izzy from the party and now we'll leave at 5:15 for Isaiah's indoor soccer Kind of busy middle and end of the day, but I think the relaxing morning is making it not seem so hectic.

Yesterday was a load of fun. I just really enjoy holidays with our family. We left about noon and got home about 10:30pm. Again--I hope you all had fun with your family and friends as well!

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