Friday, November 16, 2007

Okay....I think I'm

ok. so these questionairre memes are hilarious to me for some reason. also, they serve as a mindless outlet when i have a little time to waste and don't want to catch up on laundry!!

My dream house could be described as: anyone that's paid off!! lol

My mother once: had a humongous ice ball fall on her from a super tall building in downtown Milwaukee

I wish our president: would just be left alone

A million dollars would best be used: donating a lot, paying for a bunch of college tuitions, funding dozens of trips to other countries and never having to work again

In ten years I will be: 46. wow.

My favorite age was/is __ because: oh--I've loved so many ages. 10 cause I had some great friends in 5th grade, 18 cause I LOVED my freshman year of college, early 20s cause I had sooo much fun, was a new mommy and finished college, and now because I'm so much more settled in life than I've ever been

If I could just kiss: Marlon without having a kid hanging all over

Myspace would be better if: ?? think it's fine

If I could rid the world of one living thing it would be: after seeing the Bee movie, I guess nothing cuz it was a good reminder that there's a reason for every living thing---sappy I know----so sue

At Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts I normally order: caramel frapiccino

The best dream I ever had involved: can't say. young ones may read this :)

My favorite photograph: one of the four kids right after izzy was born. they look soooo cute!

The most recent phone call I received: Marlon just called like 5 minutes ago

I could only compare the feeling of being loved to: being loved?

When I hear the word 'eject' I automatically think of: a CD player

I never want to die by: car accident

If I was ever accused of a crime I didn't commit: I'd do a lot of praying

The most fun I ever had was: when Marlon and I first met and I went down to visit him in North Carolina

I want to visit ____ because: Israel....there's so many things I want to see

If I could travel back in time I would: try to talk my Grandfather out of killing himself

The smell of ____ reminds me of: metal....reminds me of my daddy coming home from the factory when I was a little girl

12879862 + 2908282 = 15788144 (no clue if this is right---did it in my head)

In my favorite book, the main character: is a little girl with an amazing personality who helps a young boy get through a really rough time in his life---and then she dies

Five songs that would be on the soundtrack of my life would be: Tenderoni, Do You Remember Me, When I Think About the Lord, Dancing Queen, Ain't No Rock

I once ate: fish eyes.

I will never ever: do that

When I was nine years old, I learned: that sometimes your dad will call you out at home plate even when you are

If my house was burning down, one thing I would grab would definitely be: well, other than my family....nothing. honestly---i'd just be out.

I will always regret: how wild I got at Whitewater

I am currently: completing a survey

One Halloween, I: never really did anything too outlandish on Halloween

The best gift I ever gave to someone was: scrapbooks I made for my Grandma, parents and sister

My best friend: has changed through out the years

The worst day I ever had in school: in 9th grade when I started getting so sick of ppl talking about the way I dressed...just that whole time was hard---even though I did love school

I love: my kids

This one time I was at the beach and: my friend and I fell asleep and I got sooooo red (in Mexico)

Piercings are: sexy

Music is a/an _____ part of my life. important

If marijuana was legalized: I'd have a lot of happy cousins!

I once tried to: yodel

The one person I can always count on would be: God

Winter is: fun except for driving in the snow

At 2:00pm I am usually: am working

My dream job: would be to have no volunteer for all of the things I love to do

The last thing that goes through my mind before I fall asleep: wow--it's late

I was once dared to: run around our dorm in my skibbies. and yes, I did it.

There should be a holiday for: moms that need just one day to themselves

If I could speak another language fluently it would be: spanish

My father once: drove all the way up north to pick me up in the middle of the night from my Grandma's house because I was lonely and had tummy pains. (i was pregnant with Jordyn)

The best ten seconds of my life: right after pushing out a baby :)

My bedroom is missing: curtains

Wal-Mart is: a life saver

The most over-used phrase would have to be: whateva

I am addicted to: food

I am guilty of: gossipping

I wish I never said: oh boy---if I had a nickel for all of things I could fill in there!!!

One CD I could listen to on repeat without skipping tracks would be: Silk

If a day was 35 hours long instead of 24: that would be great!

Next summer I will: be able to relax much more

Before I die, I have to: nothing I HAVE to do....what I'd LIKE to do is climb to the top of a mountain

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