Saturday, November 3, 2007

Not much of anything......

Today was another funeral. Don't think I blogged about another family friend who passed away about 2 weeks ago. Both were connected to our family in kind of bizarre ways. So today I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen since my Grandma Nickel died in Jan. 2001---even some I haven't seen since my Grandpa Nickel died in 1995. I'm glad I went. It did get me thinking a lot about my grandparents though. I miss them.

So glad we get to set the clocks back tonight. The last couple of nights my neck has really been bothering me (I have bulged discs) and I haven't been able to get comfortable. Add in Marlon's snoring and I haven't been to sleep before 1 am in a few nights. I'm hoping with turning the clocks back, I'll get a little bit extra sleep in.

Tomorrow is a soccer game in Madison. Marlon has prison===where he is gone pretty much all day and night. From about 10am to 10pm. I do get a lot done on those days though. Except tomorrow much of it will be spent with soccer. We have to leave about 12:15 and probably won't get home until 5. Yuck. I am sure a few of the kids will stay around here and hang out with my parents, so at least I won't be chasing and worrying about what they're doing.

Well, I am off to fold some laundry. In about an hour I will have to go and give my Grandma her shot--so I should try and get a little done before I have to leave.

Have a good night!


Beth said...

Glad to see you posting. I will be at the game so I'll see you there.

Mindy said...

oh yes girl. it takes more than a silly anonymous blog comment to keep me away! lol
isn't it awesome that outdoor is done? yay!!