Wednesday, March 19, 2008

His Plan is ALWAYS Perfect!

So in the last few days God has been reminding me of something. I have to laugh at the way He humbles me and makes me rely on Him. Sometimes it's like----"ok, ok, I get it, I get it!" But apparently not because He keeps having to remind me...haha!! Here are just a few examples:

Yesterday was my first "solo" night in Clubhouse Kids. I had the teaching all set and ready to go, good worship songs chosen, I'd studied and gotten the curriculum all set...and then at 6:10 when we normally have our meeting...only 4 out of 9 teachers showed up (well, I did know that two wouldn't be there)...set up was taking much long than I thought it would...and I was stressing just a little, although in my head I just kept praying, just kept praying....Lord, let Your light shine tonight. And you know what? It was a great night. An old teacher came back to help for the night, two moms that are going to come from time to time to help out both showed up, I covered in the 1st grade room, the kids really seemed to grasp the teaching and worship continues to become a special part of the night. Was it tiring--heck yes! Was it a little chaotic--heck yes! Are the kids adjusting and pushing the envelope a little with a new teacher in charge--heck yes! :) But it is so rewarding and I can't tell you the impact those kids have on me. I love seeing them learn and grow and find out who Christ is.

Tonight was our Teen MOPS Easter Celebration. We had a great speaker lined up, we planned ahead and sent out invites, we secured extra help in the childcare room because of the large number we knew would come and all started to unravel--or so it seemed. It started with the information that the extra childcare helpers were not going to be able to come! Then set up was taking forever because I didn't have the right code for James Place to get extra tables! Then our speaker had to cancel due to a family emergency! (Please pray for John's hand and that it heals well and quickly) Ay yi yi! I tell you it was a little But as always, God has such a better plan. I think we ended up with 25 ladies there!!! So many graduates too that haven't been around-it's always good to see them. We took our time with dinner and just let them enjoy their meal and not rush through it. We sang three songs for worship and then Diane (one of the leaders) shared her testimony of how God healed her from cancer. It was very powerful for the girls to hear---especially since two of the graduates were there the night that we laid hands on her. Again---a situation where you could just feel His hand on everything. Afterwards I had a great conversation with Amy and Kristin--it was nice to just take a little time to catch up and talk.

So I sit here tonight reflecting on the past few days. I see how I trust God to help me make decisions. I pray and wait on Him (okay--of course not all the time, but I try to be conscious about this) when it's time to plan. But once a plan is in place...and it starts to go awry or it seems as if Satan is just breathing down my neck...I wish I could say that I automatically rested in peace. But I so ofen don't. So often I stress...let my mind start to race with all of the problems...freak out a little about how thing are going to work out.

Why? It's all in His hands. He knows every little detail of every day. He is sovereign. My first reaction should be to take a minute,, pray and focus. God will tell me what to do next. There are times I do that...but not as often as I'd like. That is something that I'd like to do more often than not.

It's been awhile since I've posted any prayer requests...but I'd like to do that tonight. If you feel led, please pray as you stop in and visit my page today!!

  • Pray for my friends Jackie and Justin who went in the hospital tonight so her labor could be induced!! This is a first child and we are all so excited to meet little Annabelle :)
  • Please pray for my new job. That the transition continues to go well, that I remember that I am not defined by what I do but by who I am.
  • Finally, please pray that I live my life out loud for Christ. That I represent Him well in my daily life, that I spend each day as salt and light!

Many blessings <><

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