Marlon's Grandparents...
So I am not sure why Marlon's grandparents have been on my mind. Well, maybe I do...but that's another story. I look at my the amazing man of God he continues to be...and I know that their love for him and raising him are big contributors to who he is. Pops is laid back and cool. He is kind of quiet, but when he has an opinion about something--he'll let you know. Now Granny...when I met Granny...I remember I was so intimidated. She was a grounded, outspoken Christian who made no apologies for her direct, straight-shooting way.I felt the need to push back a little and let her know she wasn't pushing me around. :) Marlon was my man and I was the queen of MY castle...I knew how to be a mom and I knew how to raise my family.After one extreme argument (and when I say extreme...I mean it...I actually broke my foot running down the stairs to get away from things just changed between us.It's like she had a newfound respect for me.This woman was a big part of my growth as a Christian.
She lived out Jesus.If you needed something--she was going to get it for you.She would even get things for people she didn't know. One time I had mentioned to her that my cousin needed furniture. Not even a week later she called and had found her a couch.She knew the work I did with foster care and would always call when she'd been rummaging and found bags upon bags of clothes.
She lived out Jesus.This woman prayed.When scripture talks about praying without ceasing...she took that seriously! From her moment of waking until her head hit the pillow she prayed.She taught me to claim things in faith and then watch God work.She taught me that God has a plan for each of us and He will get you through whatever you come across when you release it to him.
She lived out Jesus.She evangelized until the day she died. I never knew someone who wanted to tell everyone she met about Christ and the impact he'd had on her life. As she grew weaker in the hospital she witnessed. To doctors, to CNA's, dietary aides and housekeepers. She said, "They tell me I have the Big C, but I tell them I have a Bigger C and he is going to take care of me.He's either going to heal me or take me home and either way I say thank you!"I am thankful to God that she and I grew to love each other deeply and respect each other greatly.I love her and know she is enjoying living it up with Jesus...and probably hanging out with my Grandma Nickel chatting about those great grand-kids!
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