New site to check out...
I am so good lifelong friend, Jenni, has created a blog for her family. Check them out at She and I have been friends for 28 years!! 2nd grade. Amazing. We've survived living totally different lives in high school, colleges in different states, her joining the peace corp and living in Africa...for what was 7 or so years and now busy, community involved lives that keep us from spending time together. True friends...lifelong friends...are not common anymore I am finding. It seems it is so much more popular to have friends of convenience or friends for a season. Those relationships can be meaningful as well...but there's something to be said of a person that you have known forever. There is no explaining the baggage because they have lived through it with you. There is no explaining family issues because they've been there from the beginning. You seem them in their children, you relish in their solid marriage because you know the relationships that they've survived. Reading her page and seeing the pictures just reminded me of what a good, solid woman she is.
Tonight was a totally LAZY night. I stayed at work until almost 5:30 and then, aside of making dinner, did absolutely NOTHING! It felt just get on sweats, rest and snuggle with the boys, watch some TV and veg out. With the chaos at work I am going to have this week (our children's ministry conference is on Fri/Sat., and there are over 600 people coming)....I'm going to need to pull back when and where I can. I may even keep us home from church activities tomorrow night (especially since we already know the kids won't have school) Then I will at least have one other night where I can be still and quiet. I am looking to Sat. night as the light at the end of the tunnel. If I can shoot for that goal and keep my head above water until then....I'll be alright.
I am looking to Sat. night as the light at the end of my tunnel.
Thanks for the phone call yesteray checking in on me..I love you too and am so happy you are my friend too!!!
Thanks for another blog to read...I am so addicted to reading blogs! I will have to check hers out this afternoon.
I will let you know about if I will make it over by you this needs to warm up so I can come out of hibernation :)
You are such a busy woman. I hope we can work something out for Collin's birthday. If not that particular weekend maybe another. We can make it whenever is most comvenient for everyone. See you tomorrrow, hopefully.
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