Tuesday, February 20, 2007

There isn't a title to tie this all together!!

So MTV has this new show called Juvies. I must tell you...I love it. Of course, with my social work and ministry background how could I not...lol, but what I really love about it is the rawness and honesty that they show. They do a great job of not sensationalizing it OR ripping the youth apart. It follows a youth from the point of arrest through their initial hearing. They normally catch those Friday night arrests where the kids are going to end up sitting until Monday or Tuesday when they can have their hearing. You are allowed to see the the intake process, the phone call home they get to make, their interactions on the units and a little bit of family background. These are kids as young as 12 and old as 17. These are kids in for everything from running away (because yes you can be detained and held for running away) to drugs to assault. It's on right now which has me thinking about it. It also shows a good mix of kids from messed up families and those from "good" families (which is relative mind you) Anyway--if you have no clue about the juvie system and what these kids face I'd suggest catching an episode.
My bible study tonight was so good. We had a great talk about walking in the spirit and the difference it makes to have your sights set on earthly things vs. heavenly things. I can totally feel a difference in every aspect of my day when I have not set things right with the Lord. I am more irritated, I have less patience, little things seem big...worries seep in. When I keep my focus upward...those same circumstances may enter my day...but they are manageable and they don't affect me in the same way. Those ladies and I had so many laughs tonight---it really was much needed.
Tomorrow is our ACM (Annual Congregational Meeting) It is going to be soooo much fun, BUT a ton of work because as staff we put this event on for the congregation. It is complete with a great meal beforehand for families, worship together in the sanctuary and even kid friendly activities during the meeting portion. Last year set the bar with the Pastors doing a fun dance...this year we are having "An Elmbrook Idol" complete with judges (Marlon is one) and the Pastors auditioning! I am going to try and stay away until about 10am because I will be there until about 10pm. It is going to be a long day.
Okay funny story to share. And I know my friend is going to LOVE reading about herself in my blog. In fact, she even asked if I was going to blog about this...lol! There's actually two short stories to share. Normally my giggle out loud stories contain antics from my kids....but these certainly will make you chuckle. So my friend is pregnant with her first. And she is just so cute and it's so awesome to watch "Jr." (as she likes to refer to him/her) growing and changing in her tummy. So she's been keeping an eye out for stretch marks and been very happy that as her tummy is stretching she has yet to see any unsightly red slashes against her skin. The other day she came to my desk distraught, but laughing to share this story. She was getting out (or in--can't remember) of the shower and her husband makes this shocked yelp sound. She is like, "What, what?" and he asks, "What is that?" She is worried now and then he lets her know she has this "rash" as he puts it...across her rump. She gets freaked out and is twisting and contorting her body (not an easy task at 5 months mind u) only to find out that the "rash" he has freaked out about is actually STRETCH MARKS...lol. Now she is totally distraught and sad, bummed he even pointed it out to her, because--in her words--like I would have ever have known! But she ends the horror by telling him in her best voice feigning crying, "Now I'll never have that thong modeling career!!" Classic.
2nd cute little story. (See Sara---I told you I'd blog about you!!) She came to me after coming back from lunch to a great new Mexican restaurant, Jose Blue Sombrero
She asks me what con queso is. With cheese I tell her. So she asks about the dish Chile Con Queso...I start to tell her what it is and she tells me that Darlene (another co-worker--woohooo I can use her name!!) ordered this and what was brought out was a plate with cheese and some bean stuff in the middle. I was like, yeah...chile with cheese. They were expecting chili....like what your mind might normally go to if you aren't thinking a mexican dish. I was like....oh...no that's not chile, that's chili...you were thinking white people chili. That's not what we mean by chile! By then another co-worker (big shout out to Celia!!) had walked up and they were laughing so hard. I said, ok sorry if I offended you but that was the first thing that came to mind to describe it to you. They totally weren't offended and thought it was so funny that they had no clue and had even called the waitress over to say that they didn't think the right thing had been brought out...lol. Sara was like, ok that's it....you have to come with us from now on when we go out for Mexican. It reminded me of the "hot wings" for pot luck incident :)
Have a wonderful day tomorrow. I am sure I won't be around blogging until Thursday or Friday. Enjoy your day!!

PS: Beth, thank you in advance for keeping an eye on Isaiah for us tomorrow!!

****had to update now that my friends are okay with their names being released, appropriate forms have been signed...lol****

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