Saturday, February 3, 2007

Boat Races and My Space

Izzy gives it his all...

Elijah waits for the whistle...

Isaiah is neck and neck...

Just some fun photos from Boys Club boat races night last week. Some days Blogger just acts so odd with downloading when it's working well I guess I'd better get as many as I can posted.

Now totally unrelated...My Space. I have a My Space's funny because I initially got a page to check on Jordyn. She, of course, has to have hers set to private...but then I couldn't see it either because I wasn't her "friend". After creating my page, I began to realize how many people---of all ages---have a My Space. What I've found is that as transparent as some of us are on Blogger....people are twice as much so on My Space. My young cousins...former clients...teen MOPS young many people in my life and this is another way to connect with them. It's hard as a mom, social worker and Christian not to get up in arms about the pictures some of them choose to post....the language they use and song choices...but ultimately it's another way into their lives that I might not know about otherwise. It's so easy to judge. I think the older we get the more judgemental we get. For many of us...the closer we "get to God" the more judgemental we get. It should be the exact opposite. As we get older we see how so many struggle in the same many can overcome the same demons....and as we draw closer to God we should grown in our desire to follow Jesus' teachings.

On My Space I see all of these lost kids---adults too---but I feel most drawn to the kids. Without hope, acting hard core, not caring about life they "pimp" up their pages and toss up gang signs with out really knowing the ramifications of their actions. Their parents either don't know or don't care...but whatever the reason---they are out there bad for the world to see. Every few days I search for more people I know and have now started posting some of my blogs there as well as some others. I am not sure what to do with this. I am one person and certainly can't change the world. But I know that God can and if I continue to proclaim His name and the power that the Holy Spirit can give when you lay down your life for Him...then I have faith that it can make a difference to one person.

I encourage each of you to live out your faith. It's one thing to spout off a verse every once in a while and to use scripture when it fits your needs. It's another thing to truly apply what it says and live as Jesus told us to. Loving our brothers and sisters as He first loved us. NO greater love has a man than to lay down his life. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all your mind. Do not be sidetracked. Do not stray. When those moments come---because as humans we will fall---then get right back on track with God. I've realized that the biggest impact I've made is when I've loved. Inmates, former clients...whoever... Someday when I am gone I want people to remember me as someone who loved them dearly and stood up for Jesus always. That is all I can give.

Anyway...see what happens with a few days of illness and slipping in and out of sleep? I just think and think and think.

Stay in and stay warm!!


Michelle said...

Amen Mindy! Our old pastor would always say 'Love the sinner, not the sin.' I love that! I'm a sinner and in the past, whew, I've got some doozey's. I also like the saying...'Live in such a way that those who don't know God, will come to know God because of you.'
My Space scares me and I applaud you for jumping in and checking it out. I don't think it's that parents don't care about what their kids are doing on it, I think it's they are afraid to have to deal with what they may find on it. The old ostrich syndrome, keep that head in the sand and there's nothing to worry about! I pray that I won't be a parent like that when the kids get older. I had parents like that (being the youngest, with a sister 16 years older then me) they were old and tired and didn't want to deal with it.....praise God I had so many people that prayed for me (I found that out later) otherwise who knows who, what, when where, why, how...I'm making no sense and need to go to sleep now. I think I might be at Elmbrook on Tues. a.m., I'll pop in the office and see if you are around!

Mindy said...

I agree that most parents are afraid of what they'll find...unfortunately I do know a few who don't care--mostly because they're still out doing the same thing. Sometimes all we can do is pray---isn't it amazing how prayers of people we may never meet or know can help bring us on track?
If you're there Tuesday definately stop by...if you just let them know at the office reception they'll call me up front. It'd be nice to meet you in person. Amy speaks very highly of you!