Sunday, September 10, 2006

Isaiah soccer

Today was the first official game of the season. The boys played really good and as a team really are starting to work together. Isaiah had some wonderful assists and his confidence continues to build.

Watching him on the soccer field...I continue to be amazed at how he's grown and what he's learned just since Aug. when practices started. I thank God for his health, athletic ability, discipline, dedication and drive to succeed. So blessed. So blessed.

1 comment:

Searching for Myself said...

This boy gotts skilzs!!!!

No really after the game today I was saying this is his best game yet!!! His soccer IQ is getting better every game and having a player that is good with his body and his mind is a coaches dream. You have a star in the making with his love for the game and with your support (along with a great coach haha). Hope he enjoys the MLS tickets he has earned them.