Will it ever end??
I have very good friends who are going through hell right now. I don't use that word lightly but there is no other way to describe it. I don't know all of the details from the beginning of the summer or who started what first...but it has ended in a horrible situation. You may have read in my previous blogs about some stuff that has spread into our soccer world and that I truly feel it isn't about soccer at all. I've been vague to protect the innocent, but after what I heard tonight it's time to say something direct.
Tonight I took dinner to Troy and Amy's house and they shared with Marlon and I voicemails that they have recieved in the past couple of days. Now mind you, Amy is in the middle of a very difficult pregnancy, just put on bedrest. What I heard made me want to puke...in a very weird, sing song voice a person (it sounded like either a woman or a young boy whose voice hasn't changed) said over and over..."Dead baby...dead baby...recruit a dead baby..." Who does that? I am putting this in my blog because I believe that there are people who know who left that message that read my blog. Please stop. If you know who it is...make them stop. Of course they call private and the only trace can be to a verizon cell...because anyone who leaves that kind of sick message wouldn't want anyone to know it was them. I am praying right now for whoever left that message. Praying that they would see the error in their ways. Whatever your feelings are for Troy and Amy...no matter how much you dislike his coaching techniques...no matter how you feel wronged...there is no excuse for such a message. Beef between SFIU and KMSC---hardly! Soccer beef doesn't play out in sick messages like that...not unless someone has mental health issues or substance abuse. And why do I think it's someone linked to soccer...because of the recruit statement. (Earlier there were complaints put in that Troy recuited players.) The soccer issue has grown to the point that someone mailed the parents on KMSC team pages from his blog! This also was done anonymously. How convenient. I give big kudos to the parent who commented that while some of what Troy put on the blog was certainly said in bad taste (and I am not saying I don't agree)...the bigger issue is who felt it was okay to use all of their addresses in that way. If that happened to me I would feel so violated. Sharing addresses/phone numbers for carpooling, soccer details is one thing...having the gall to use it for your own personal agenda is something else entirely. Those parents have every right to try and find out who mailed those sheets. I would do the same.
Even crazier...to help alleviate bad feelings Troy had Amy remove his blog. However someone copied and pasted pages of his blog on a new site. Then they tried to stir up the pot again by telling people..."he didn't remove the blog...it's still there". Do not be fooled. This person mispelled Troy's last name. Duh...also the comments that the few of us who knew about the blog left...are gone. Even if you change your blog so that commenting is no longer available...any previous comments will stay. Duh again...that's basic blogging 101.
The voicemail disturbed me because I think it's a clear indication that we aren't dealing with someone in their right mind...or someone who has such lack of respect that they could do something worse. How do you expect something to end when a family continues to be terrorized?
Lord, I pray a wall of protection around Troy and Amy...their children, their child to be born. Do not let Satan get them. Help them stand united and focused on what is important. Whoever is leaving these voicemails, sending anonymous letters, playing on the computer...please convict their heart. Let them see what they have done and repent. Fill Troy and Amy's mind with your peace. Let them not harbor hurt feelings or pain for the people that would try to hurt them. You tell us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us; to pray for those that mistreat us. I am praying right now for whoever is doing these harmful things. Lord, put positive people in their lives, if they need counseling or someone to talk to...bring those people to them. Bring only good things to them and their family, help them enjoy life and find success that they might turn their energy and focus on Troy and Amy. I know that when we pray in the name of Jesus and boldly proclaim the truth in Your name we will find peace. If we reject the truth and follow evil we will have to deal with Your wrath. Your word in Romans tells us this. Help Troy and Amy turn to you, turn to each other and turn to their friends to help them get through this difficult time. In the heavenly name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....Amen.
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