Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What I love about Elijah...

Okay just a mommy being sappy, but I thought it'd be fun for the kids and some of you to know what I love about each of my kids. Since I came upong this picture of Elijah first I thought I'd start with him.

Elijah marches to his own drummer. He is not afraid to be himself, do off the wall things and try new things. He never settles...he will keep at something until he gets it. Elijah enjoys life to the fullest. Each day is an adventure to make a new friend, make someone laugh, get outside and run around! lol You definately won't see him following what anyone else has done or trying to be like anyone else. What a wonderful quality in a child. I hope that is only strengthened as he gets older.

This is the funniest kid I've ever met. We've actually had teachers tell us he could be a He had comic timing and says the most off the wall things. This is one kid you can't stay angry with!!

If you know Elijah, then you know a kid full of love, energy and spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And he's the only one that still loves hugs and kisses!!! Your right, he sure is special and we love him!!