He's home!! Sweet, sweet times.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
oh my oh my...
Well, in 2 1/2 hours we leave for the airport and then after about a 2 hour drive we'll be with Marlon. God has been so kind as to let this time fly by. On those days where I started to tire and grow weary--he always picked me right up and gave me what I needed to get back on track. I can't wait to see my husband--my love!!!
Harvest Fest has been amazing so far. The other guest missionaries are wonderful and it's inspiring to hear the stories of what God is doing through them. Marlon's video testimony this past weekend was so touching. Of course we loved it, but what was so sweet is how many people came up to me and told me what an amazing man I am married to. How his heart just came through the screen and his love for God. How they could tell of my love for him as they watched me watch it. Humbling...humbling because it is so not of us--only of Christ. Only a kinsman Redeemer could take such brokenness and make it whole, take the filthy rags that we have to offer Him and wipe us clean.
I love what we are being challenged about from our speakers this week at Harvest Fest. Justice...unity...being honest about how crippled we are. Christians...what does that mean if you don't do anything about it. Saying that you are saved and believe with all of your heart will give you everlasting life. So many of us stop right there. That occurs and then we try to live a good honest life and we think that's enough. It's not. And it's not pleasing to God. Our responsibility is not to have a nice little home, raise nice little kids, have nice little friends and go to a nice little church. Those are our selfish desires.
Mt 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Mt 35-40 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and fee you, or thirsty and giv eyou something to drink? What did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Luke 6:37-38 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
John 15:10-13 "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. My command is his; Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
And that's just the gospels. Read Acts, Romans, Ephesians...
The disciples were fishermen, tax collectors...ordinary men. Commanded to take the gospel to the ends of the earth...to love the unloveable...to do His work. The bible is not just a story book for us to enjoy. It's a manual for how to live and to grow closer to God asnd discover His plan for us. Becoming a Christian is not about how God is going to bless you or what great things God is going to do for you. Following Christ and obeying the word of God is about being a blessing to the world and living out daily as a sacrifice----Romans 12:1-2, "I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Each one. We must each be a "preacher". We must each be a "missionary". The mission field isn't just Africa or Pakistan. The mission field is our next door neighbor. We are living next to people going to hell because we won't share the love that Christ has for them. Who are we to deny them that love? Christians can't be worried about what others will say, what others are doing...how nice their lives are or how comfortably they're going to retire. We can't...not that and be in the world giving all that we are for all He is. The end of the world will come and we will stand before God and give an account of our life. Every thought. Every deed. Every mean, angry, snide, prideful thing we've done. Even worse...every opportunity we walked away from because of how the person looked, or acted, or lived. I confess it now the times I've been too busy to stop and chat with someone...seen someone at a store looking lost and alone and just hurried past with a quick smile and then prayed for them out in the car later.
Anyway...sorry...lol. Harvest is amazing. Come if you can. I've said before--check out the link to the right for details. It's transforming.
Posted by
6:51 AM
Friday, October 27, 2006
What a day. So many blessings I was brought to tears. First, when I got to work I went into our kitchen to purchase an English Toffee cappicuino (however you spell that) Only 12oz. cups left so they let me have the larger size for the same $.75 as the 8 oz. Then I had ordered Marlon's prayer cards from the print shop and asked for them to be ready by Sat. This was a last minute request. There they were on my desk. When I called the printshop to ask the cost--I was told no charge! Amazing. For our display table at Harvest Fest, I had requested a TV/VCR but was told I needed to try and find one to borrow if possible because there weren't enough. Friends had said I could use their laptop (Marlon has his in Africa), but I felt a little bad about borrowing it because I always hate being responsible for other's things just in case something goes wrong. Today the IT coordinator emailed me to say they had enough equipment and he would set up the TV/VCR for me. Marlon's tablecloth was packed poorly last time and was going to need a intense ironing...then I found out today very nice linen black coverings were being provided. The most amazing thing happened when I went to Signature to get my haircut. I sat in the chair and the lady (someone new) was telling me how relaxing my conditioning treatment was going to be...I said, oh no...I didn't ask for that (it's an additional charge) and she said...oh--I thought you knew, your style is covered today. I was like, what? I thought I was the 100th customer or something! Then she said, I guess it's supposed to be suprise--someone called and said they were covering your cut, the conditioning treatment and gratuity! I almost fell out of the chair. Immediately I was brought to tears. After the day of blessing it really was almost more than I could take emotionally. So I shared about my husband, the long month we've had and a little of what we do. She started asking about our church and missions trips, etc. It was a great conversation. After picking up the boys from my brother-in-law (which was another great blessing today)we came home and a family friend called to stop by and bring us some treats. Ting--which is a fun soda Marlon and the boys LOVE, pizzas, two big bags of candy and a box of toiletries for Teen MOPS. Blessings. Abundance of love. There are no words to express how grateful I am for the thoughtful and caring people God has put in our lives. No words to express how humbled I continue to be that we are so loved. I pray for blessings upon my friends and family double what they have ever shown us.
Posted by
8:22 PM
request for prayer
Hi everyone
Sitting here at work, but needed to put this out there. Please pray for me. I have this person in my life who seems to think that every comment I make, every thought I have is somehow related to them and their situation. That it is somehow a reflection of a conversation we had, a response to something they've said...and it's very difficult to communicate with that person. I find that I am so hesitant when I talk to this person. While it's always good to think before we speak, it's so hard to be worried about this person over analyzing my words, looking for hidden meaning...it makes open and honest communication very difficult. This person and I have had conversations about it...but it seems like it's not getting better or changing and that is frustrating. I certainly don't want to start every sentence by saying, "This is in no way related to you..." Pray that hidden things can be brought to light. That I don't allow my hesitancy to make open dialogue difficult. That I have patience and understanding with this person. That I truly reflect over my words and they do not harbor any uncomfortableness when communicating with this person. Pray that my heart has patience and that I continue to try and see the big picture. Pray that I temper my words and comments that make this person defensive, yet still honestly relay my thoughts when asked a question.
Thanks. I know many of you who read this have no idea what or who I am talking about and that's okay. It's really just a help knowing there's some prayer out there for this situation and me. :)
Posted by
11:26 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Harvest Fest
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12:23 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I am a loser. I got a message from Pops...which was left probably as we were on our way home Sunday...that he was there waiting for us and had cooked :( Because I am totally horrible about checking the machine--I didn't even get it until days later! I called to apologize, but he wasn't there so I left a message. Hopefully he'll get it because he's told me that he never checks his either! What a pair we are.
Do you have those moments? Where you didn't purposely disappoint someone but you did it just the same. It sucks. We'll have to make plans to go there when Marlon gets back.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
8 Days...8 Days....8 Days....
Wow...overall I must admit this month has flown by. And so, I am very thankful that it went as I hoped it would. Only 8 days and my honey will be home. I am excited and wonder if now this week will actually be the slowest because it's so close...lol!
I took a nap today after our long crazy weekend and I must admit...I am tired people!! I don't think I really realized how tired I was and I really never like to admit that I'm tired because I know there are people who have it much harder then I do. But I think I might see Marlon in the airport and just collapse in his arms! :) This weekend was probably the hardest. Friday I made beef stew for Izzy's birthday (what 8 year old picks that as his birthday dinner..lol) and packed everybody for their different destinations. We went to my parents at about 7 for his cake and presents. Here's where things get tricky. Isaiah's tournament was in Mequon at 7:15 AND 10:30....yuck! Who picks these times anyway! So he and I left at about 9 so we could get right in bed. Elijah had a football game Sat. morning so my sister and brother in law took him home with them so Rod could take him to his game and then he was staying with them to go to my cousin's wedding. Jordyn and Izzy stayed with my parents to hang out in the morning before it was time for the wedding. Isaiah and I came home from the games, quick got ready, bought a gift, let the dog out, switched the laundry and headed out to Greendale to slide into the church right as everyone was standing for the bride to come down the aisle...lol. Perfect timing. We then hung out for a little bit and ran to Target and a little diner for the kids to get something in their stomach since dinner wasn't until 7. Then we headed over to the reception. Very beautiful. Michelle looked lovely and the bridesmaids dresses were really cool. They had a really nice slideshow--which my other cousins did too...I think this must be the new "thing". Isaiah and I had to drop out early because again a 7:15 soccer game in Mequon--argh!! Sat. night however, my daughter stayed with my parents so they could take her to church with them (she teaches Sunday school) and both Elijah and Izzy went with my sister and brother in law so that I didn't have to deal with them so early in the morning. Got home, let out the dog, picked up the puke that was everywhere because she decided to ransack the garbage (gotta love those kids not closing the lid all the way, put away the piles of laundry on my bed so that I could go to bed!....Are you tired yet?
**Little interject**big area of missing Marlon--driving!! I never realized 1) how much I hate driving 2) how I don't appreciate enough that he does all of the driving and 3)I am not a good driver at night, especially in the rain, in fact, I am downright scary. FYI if we ever road trip....you drive!
So anyway--we played a great game of soccer and win at 7:15, but because Mequon is undefeated--we don't go to the championship. The soccer mom in me feels for Isaiah because I know he was hopeful to go...but the realist in me is like, woohooo---let's get back to Connie's and rest! So we hang out at my sister's for awhile and then head over to Pop's house (Marlon's grandfather) to have lunch. I had told him we would be coming between 12 and 1, since I wasn't sure if we were going to play in the championship, but I keep calling and he isn't there. We wait until 1 and drive over anyway but he's not home. I did forget to remind him what time I was coming...I am sure he got caught up at church or something. So then we come home, I switch the laundry, let out the dog, put away all of the million piles of clothes from the weekend, take a nap, watch Over the Hedge, rake the front lawn, go to my parent's to take a walk and end up watching Extreme Home Makeover instead...come back home, give my Grandma her shot, pray with the kids, put the boys to bed, look at my daughter's project, help her study for an AP test and then put her to bed. Well, at 15 she really puts herself to bed...but you get my drift...lol.
Um...okay...I guess I have a reason to be tired! So it's 9:55 and I am going to watch Amazing Race...thank goodness for digital cable and fast forwarding through commercials...and then GO TO BED!
8 days. I can hardly wait. I feel like a schoolgirl who's excited to see her crush after summer break!
Posted by
9:33 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
8 years old!
My baby is 8!! That is totally mind boggling to me. Where did that time go! It's so wonderful to see his big smile...he's very happy to be 8. Since I just so recently said what I love about each of my kids I don't really have to tell you much about him--I've shared so much, but I will add this--there are no cuter dimples around!
Happy Birthday Izzy!
Posted by
7:18 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The chaos
So it's been a couple of days since I posted and so much has happened. Work has been very interesting which prompted my post earlier today...I had a ton more to say but of course as I sit down to type is normally when like 5 catastrophies seem to break out around here...lol. I should know that I just need to wait until the kiddies are in bed!
Working at a church has been very eye opening for me. I certainly have never had rose painted lenses in regards to Christians...but I thought that in a work environment there might be a facade of holier than thou attitudes. So far from the truth! I certainly don't see the unethical and questionable behavior like I did in social work...but there are definately people who don't seem willing to look at the big picture. My friend Roberta tells me that I am a very diplomatic person and I guess to some extent that's true. It's my nature to try and see the whole story and even temper my responses for the most part-if it will foster improved communication. I also try not to let personality conflicts bother me too much because we are not all going to like each other or get along. What I think works great is when two people who are very different or who don't see eye to eye on a topic---find a middle ground to work from and then grow from there. It's okay that everyone is not your friend. It's okay that not everyone is smitten with each other. It's also okay to be disappointed in other's behaviors. It is not okay to hold a grudge and carry that with you on a daily basis. It's also not okay to try and make someone feel like they are totally responsible for a situation.
What I do find with some people I work with is that they just want everyone to get along. That ain't gonna happen sista! Other's are so convinced that they are justified in their feelings that they have stopped looking at the whole situation and choose only to react based on their feelings about it. Feelings are usually the worst thing to use to handle issues. Our feelings are distorted, our feelings are screwed up and our feelings are fleeting. If someone doesn't like me that's okay. I wouldn't want everyone to like me--if they did it would probably mean that I was so busy being a chamelion that I hadn't created my own identity. I can think of 3 different situations at work where some of the people involved just aren't trying to see things from the other's perspective. They will act like they are and then add a big BUT to the sentence and then negate everything they just said. Seeing things from someone else's perspective does not mean that you are agreeing with them. It does not mean that you're not holding your ground. It just means that you are keeping the lines of communication open in a positive and inviting way.
People are crazy because they want to be understood and express their opinion and have others "hear them out". Often times these same people are not willing to hear the opinions of others. It's a form of selfishness that I find particularly ugly and am working on having grace with those who do this. I have to be kind and patient and exhibit self-control in every situation. Read Galatians 5:22. It's all there.
On another note....Marlon is doing well. We were able to talk on Sat. He sounds good. Boy I miss him. We were teasing each other saying, who knew we loved each other so much!! :) We knew we would miss each other but I really wasn't prepared to miss him THIS much. I am so proud of him and his mission there. I am excited for him to return. It will be fun to go around and talk to different ministry groups about our work in Prison Ministry and Marlon's involvement in this crusade. So many doors are opening and he isn't even back yet! To God be the glory!
Posted by
10:17 PM
I forget sometimes how crazy some people are. Nuff said.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Homecoming 06
Jordyn and her friend Maggie went to Homecoming together...meeting up with some other friends once they got there. She looked so lovely in her aqua dress...as you can see and I was so happy that she wasn't completely freaked out that I was going to do the standard mom thing and come to the friend's house and take pictures.
Marlon, I know you will probably check out the page...don't worry, she wore a coat!
Posted by
11:31 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
On my own...
So Sunday I am going to Taycheedah on my own to minister to the women there. I have gone alone once before and spoken there a few times so it's not totally foreign to me...for some reason I am just drawing a blank on what I should speak about. I could use one of the other topics that I've previously used (it's been about a year and with turn around shouldn't hit too many people twice) but that just seems like a cop out. So tonight my plan was to sit and read and think and brainstorm and...I did none of those things. Instead I got the kids from school, came home so Isaiah can get ready for soccer, let out the dog and start dinner. Soccer ride comes (thank God for caring people on his soccer team) the rest of us head out to Jordyn's hair appt. While she's getting her hair cut we go to the bank and the grocery store getting back to the salon just in time to pay. Then we come home, let out the dog, finish dinner, finish homework, switch the laundry, eat dinner, Isaiah comes home, take a break to watch Survivor, dye Jordyn's hair, try to change the toilet seat (we bought a new one) can't figure that out, decide to leave it alone, switch the laundry, give my Grandma her shot, chat with my aunt for awhile, come back, let out the dog, get the boys to read, sign everyone's assignment books, get the living room straightened up-herd everyone upstairs with all of their shoes, books, hats, CDs, etc., make sure backpacks are set, get everyone back downstairs to pray. And that moment...in that moment...I realize I am not on my own. I can feel God's presence. I can hear him saying, "Slow down. Relax. I've got you." Now I don't hear him in an audible voice--although I know people who do...but I hear it and believe it. He's got me. Even on those days when I rush to handle things myself...He is there. It's like I rush around to complete tasks, to get to the next thing on the list and He's there, just waiting for me to see Him there and take His hand. When Marlon first left 11 days ago (only 17 more to go!) I was focused on having Him guiding me. But these last couple of days I can feel that I fell into self-reliance, self-trust. It's too tiring. I can't do it that way. Not that way and have peace surrounding me. Not that way and have joy. So I will relish in the reassurance that He's got me and I don't have to make it on my own.
Posted by
10:26 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Such a good laugh...
I laughed so hard last night. My youngest son brought home a book he had made in school called, If I was Boss at My House. Each day of the week had a page that started, If I were the boss on Sunday...Monday, etc. and then the kids filled in the rest. Every single day had something to do with something he got to do and his brothers didn't. He got to stay home while his brothers went to church, he got to have ice cream for dinner and his brothers didn't...lol...he got to go to the waterpark and his brothers stayed home....he got to go to the waterpark and his brothers didn't. Ya think that's a little brother tired of being bossed around by them!! Our oldest was like, Hey! How come everything has to do with us? So then we had a little talk about how maybe they boss him a little too much!! It was hilarious!
Posted by
8:12 AM
Monday, October 9, 2006
So I continue to pray for opportunities to witness and have open discussion with my family about my faith and Christ. Out of the lot of about 70 of us, there are only about a handfull that know Jesus as their Savior. I certainly don't want to appear as a bible banging, self-righteous religious fanatic...but I do need to live each day as salt and light-allowing my daily sacrifice to be a testament to Christ. I want them to be so taken with who I am in HIM that they desire to know more. To wonder what it is that makes a difference. Me? Totally not...HIM, it's all HIM!
So anyway...these prayers. Tonight my uncle called because he needed a ride to work. It was 8:45 (15 minutes before bedtime and three boys still needing to put clean laundry away as well as a daughter whose bedroom looks like a grenade was tossed in it), I was in my jammies and looked quite a sight and he needed to leave ASAP or he would be late. He has reasons I won't go into on why these last minute things happen and scheduling situations that he sometimes can't control. So anyway, I of course say yes because if there is ever a way that I can help someone...I try to never say no. But I am a little exasperated I must admit and quickly shout out orders to my 4 kids as I lick my fingers to matte down my frizzy hair and toss on a jacket so nobody will see that I have my pajamas on...this matters why...not sure...especially since I still have on my slippers. Um....NOT fooling anyone!! lol
So anyway...these prayers. I get to my grandma's house--which mind you is um...right next door...lol... and he comes rushing out. About a block away, he asks how Marlon is doing in Africa. And this launches a great conversation about Marlon's mission trip in Africa, our family praying--even an chance to give him advice on how to handle a situation. As we are talking I hear that voice that I know is HIS...see what you almost missed??? Dumb...sometimes we are just plain dumb. Witnessing isn't always done in a grandious way in front of the masses. Is it sometimes? Of course, but others it's just a casual chat with your uncle in the car. The mission field isn't alway oceans away. Is it sometimes? Of course, but others it's the house right next door to you.
Thank you God for giving me the clarity of mind and discernment to recognize this opportunity. Forgive me for all of the moments that I am too consumed with myself and my family and I miss them. I praise You for being all that I need and all that I am.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Pepsi Cup
Very exciting. Isaiah's team took 1st place in the Pepsi Cup Tournament this past weekend. They did really great and played some awesome teams. It's always fun to watch the games where the teams are evenly matched and it's back and forth the whole game. I think it means more to the boys too when they've really had to play their hardest to win.
What makes this so cool for Isaiah though is that Marlon's cousin, Phillip, who my boys just adore and look up to won the Pepsi Cup with his team when he was in club soccer (he is the handsome young man whose college graduation I blogged about) Isaiah is so excited-well as excited as cool breeze can be. :) Those of you who know Isaiah know why I gave him that nickname!!
On another note, my mom took Jordyn shopping for her homecoming dress in the midst of the tournament (which was such a blessing because it saved a TON of time)and they found the cutest dress for her. She is going with a group of girls to homecoming like she did last year. It's so odd to think I've had this site a year, because I remember posting lovely pics of her then! A friend asked me if Jordyn minds that she can't date yet or go to a dance with a boy. I really don't think so. Jordyn seems to think nobody would ask her anyway. But I think what it does is take the pressure off of her relationships with boys. Because she knows that she can't date/have a boyfriend...there is no reason to be totally boy crazy. She has a lot of guy friends that she talks to in class, hangs out with at youth group...but none that she's allowed to go places with alone or go on a date with. As a result, she loves them from afar...lol. Which at 15 I am more than happy with. There will be plenty of time to have her heart torn out and stomped on by some insensitive and immature boy. It's part of why Marlon and I always joke about how God gave me three sons...he always would say it was for all of my years of male bashing while I was single. I always say, it's because I can at least make sure there are 3 decent men in this world :) Just joking, I know that a man is intricate to the development of their sons...please don't send hate mail!!
Anywho...off to wake the boys. Jordyn just left with her ride about 15 minutes ago and I thought I'd relish in my 15 minutes of peace for the day!
Posted by
7:14 AM
Saturday, October 7, 2006
that one thing...
There is this one song..."When I was Lost" Elmbrookers would know it because we sing it during worship a lot. Anyway...when I sing that song...it has such spiritual renewal for me. Because I love singing and enjoy worshipping, songs can often be very emotional for me. But the message of this particular song really touches my soul and speaks to me. It is a song about freedom, that freedom that comes from Christ. I am part of the worship team this weekend and that is one of the songs we are doing during service. When we were singing it tonight I truly came to that place of worship. It is always am amazing feeling...I often feel it leading worship in prison and with the kids...but I haven't felt it as often during service. I think that might partly be because I sing harmony during service and worry more about notes...also because being on the platform can seem a little more like you're on display. For whatever reason...it doesn't happen as often. But tonight...my goodness...waterworks....lol. If you've never felt the Holy Spirit move through you I pray that someday you let down your guard enough to. There is a feeling that is pretty much impossible to describe.
When I was lost You came and rescued me, reached down into the pit and lifted me, Oh Lord, such grace, I was as far from You as I can be. You know all the things I've ever done, but Jesus' blood has cancelled everyone, Oh Lord, such peace, to qualify me as Your own. There is a new song in my heart, there is a deep cry in my heart, a hymn of praise to Almighty God, Hallelujah! And now I stand firm, on this rock, my life is hidden now, with Christ in God, the old has gone and the new has come, Hallelujah! Your love has lifted me! In the full assurance of Your love, now with every confidence we come, O Lord, such joy, to know that you delight in me!
Just a little bit of it. Amazing. It's amazing how God can use music to touch people.
My honey is doing well. He was able to call today and talk with the boys about their games. Elijah did awesome! That boy can run...he scored two touchdowns and really played hard. He is so excited that next year he gets to play tackle...lol. Great, and I thougth soccer was hard! Couldn't any of my three boys wanted to do something like chess? spelling bees? cross-stitching? I didn't even get a girly girly with my girl! She hates pink and won't wear lace! Aaargh! :) Wouldn't trade them for the world tho'.
Much love, nite!
Posted by
10:28 PM
Friday, October 6, 2006
Update from Marlon
I thought it would be nice to post Marlon's update from Kenya. We spoke today and he is doing very well. He wanted to make sure that he wished the boys well before their games tomorrow (Elijah football and Isaiah soccer tournament) Today was a hard day and I missed him more than the others so far...so good that the weekends are so full and will pass by quickly. Here's his news...
To all
It is evening here in Nairobi, and I have to say that it is great being here. I was able to attend a bible study with Oscar Muriu, the Senior Pastor of Nairobi chapel (Elmbrooker’s would know who he is). What a blessing! We also went to the prison. What a sight!!! I wasn’t able to get any footage inside the prison but I was able to outside and you could see the buildings. We went there to talk to the warden (officer in charge) about Nairobi Chapel being a part of prison ministry. As we talked he was very open with us, and you could tell that he was a Christian. The prison sits on about 5-8 acres. He told us there were 150 men in the prison-most were there for petty theft. They normally would stay there for up to 6 months. Here’s the kicker: all of the inmates live in the same building. The building is about as wide as a two car garage, and as long as about four of them put together. The warden wouldn't allow us to go down to the building, he just let us stand a far. The inmates that were out around the building were dressed in black and white stripes. Not the wide ones that we are used to, but really thin stripes. After looking at the prison from a spot where we could see the whole prison, we went to another spot where the prison would like to build a Premont chapel. The warden said it would cost about 100,000 ($1500 american dollars) At this spot I was able to get an interview with the warden on video and then I paned out and got a view of the building. We then went to get wood and as I sat in the car, I watched the masses walk by and got a lot of shots of the crowd. Again, nobody in shorts.
Here are a few statistic’s that I found out about Kenya. There are 30 million people in this country, 50% (15 million) are 18 years of age or below. 60% of that 15 million have lost one parent to the AIDS epidemic and about another 35% have lost both. You want to see people who know what AIDS is? Well, here they are. I will leave Nairobi on Tuesday for Zambia. Please continue to pray for me and safe travels as well as my family back home.
God's Blessings to you all.
Posted by
10:36 PM
Thursday, October 5, 2006
So our church is celebrating Jubilee and my parents are helping me to have my Sabbath on Wednesday evenings for the month Marlon is gone. They are picking the kids up around 5 and bringing them back around 9. That means four glorious hours to myself and God. First I took a nap. I can't remember when I last took a nap. It was so refreshing. I watched a little TV, looked in this illustration/scripture book we have, sang some worship songs while I worked on the kid's scrapbooks a little. It was such a long 4 hours...God really did a miracle with the time. It actually seemed like time stood still for a bit.
Sabbath was set aside as a holy time to revere in God's creation, rest from our normal chaotic lives and reflect. I am thankful that I have this time carved out and know that even after Marlon returns I have to make a concentrated effort to still honor the example God gave us in resting on the Sabbath.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Ahhh technology!
I love technology! It is going to make Marlon's missionary trip not quite so bad. Tonight he called to talk to each of us and then the phone started to break up. We have SKYPE (a phone system on the computer) so he was able to call that way and since we have the nice little web cams...we could even see each other! Way cool! It was nice to see his smile. It was 10pm here and 6am there. He said that his flights went well and he was able to get a little sleep. Then when he got to the Ryder's house they of course sat up and chatted for awhile then went off to bed. He was up at 5:30 (to call us) so that he could talk to all of us before we fell asleep.
Today at work a friend asked me if I thought I would miss him more in regards to being a "single" parent while he is gone or just that my husband is away. It is totally the 2nd. I was a single parent with Jordyn for 5 years so I know that I can handle things and keep busy. I also have such wonderful family/friends helping while he is away that I truly can't even begin to thank them! What I realized after only one day is how much his presence truly impacts me. We normally talk at least once or twice on the phone each day so it was odd at work today not to hear his voice. I also bounce ideas/thoughts/etc. off of him and help process difficult things so that is odd too. I know that some days are going to be harder than others...but what keeps me focused is that I know he is being obedient.
It's also made it easier for the kids to understand why he went to Africa for a month by explaining it as obedience. We've often had conversations with them about how none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes and poor choices. Ultimately, however, if we desire to walk with Christ as the center of our life...we must be about obedience. Is it always easy? Hardly. Especially when it means sending your husband off for a month to Africa! But is it right to do? Always. Is it pleasing to God? Always. The cool thing about obedience is that even when it's tough...in the end you always come away feeling great about it. The kids are so proud that their dad is in Africa preaching the gospel and sharing the truth about Christ. While they miss him of course, they understand the sacrifice that sometimes must be made. I truly believe that this experience is just the beginning of a new stage for our family...I don't know what God has in store for us...but I know that there is something more coming.
Lord, I pray tonight for my friend who recieved devastating news today. I pray for her because she felt like her prayer was answered and then only a few days later things changed. She is feeling doubt and worry. She thought things were going one way and come to find out they are now another. Let her have peace that You are in control of everything and nothing happens that You do not permit. When the answer to prayer comes and it doesn't look like we wanted it to, that can be so hard. Help her find solace in Your word and in friends that can comfort her. Allow this heartache to bring her closer to You and be a stronger witness as a result of this storm.
If you read this Marlon...I love you and am so proud to be your wife!!
Posted by
11:55 PM
He made it!!
He made it, he made it! I just got an email from him that he made it to the Ryder's. 12:30 pm our time and about 10pm their time. As I know more I'll post more.
Thanks for all the prayers!
Posted by
12:57 PM