Here's a few photos from our night on Friday.
Lindsay and Kelly settle in for one of our discussions after a yummy breakfast on Friday morning.
Lovely me full of mud after we did a "she-ra" and pushed the stuck vehicle out of the mud on our way to What an adventure!
Our group after a really good fish fry at the Golden Mast. I would recommend this to anyone who's looking for a good fish fry.
Sylvia and Julie waiting for their mud masks to dry.
It was really a great time. Because of our meetings being held at the same time, and working full time for Children's...there are often times that I don't fully feel like a part of the Women 2Day staff. It is totally not anything anyone does or says or anything---it just is what it is. It was so great how everyone there really made me feel like a part of the team and I loved having the opportunity to get to know them better. Friday morning we arrived around 9am to a light breakfast. The morning was spent discussing our book (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality), breaking into teams and setting up challenges (um...I will say nothing more than bras and boogers Team 2...bras and, sharing our kitchen utensils...just having a lot of great conversation. Team 1 set up for lunch and we all took a break to enjoy a great chicken salad, veggies, fruit. Meanwhile we are of course all sharing the snacks that we all brought. Although, I think Beth's brilliant snacks of Milk Duds, Whoppers, Licorice and Good-n-Plenty were the big hit! During the time between lunch and bowling we discussed more about the book, played a mean game of spoons (such, shared our thoughts about where the ministry is headed and how we can impact Christ's kingdom best, had some personal time to reflect on truly was such a needed time for me. After quick freshening up, we headed out to the bowling alley. Well, let's say we tried Our vehicle got just a little stuck. So we piled out to push it out. This first led to Beth getting her boots FULL of mud and a little splatter on her clothes. So as she is in getting cleaned up, we try one last time. Lo and behold, we are able to push the darn thing out...however, in the special location of the driver's side I proceed to receive a beautiful mud (Hence the picture above) I have not laughed so hard in a long time. It was like happening in slow motion and I couldn't move. This was wayyyy beyond wiping it off, my sweater, hair, everything was in I went to change. At least Beth and I had to wear our sweatsuits together! We finally got to the bowling alley. While bowling is definately not one of my favorite sports, it was still a good time to just hang out and laugh and watch everyone try and get over 50! Alright, there were a few ladies (Sharon, Deb, Laurie) who are closet bowlers because they did outstanding! After bowling we headed on over to the Golden Mast for dinner. I was able to share some of my story with a few of the ladies. Sometimes I forget how many people don't know what I've come from and how I've transformed. Not that there isn't still a TON of work to be the way that Christ has redeemed me is nothing short of a miracle. Once we got back we stayed up late like a bunch a teenagers, giggling, doing our nails, facials, bizarre and strange conversations. (I will say nothing more than...unwrapping presents, ears covered w/blankets, whales, and shower curtains!!) I slept amazingly well and was so comfortable. Sat. morning started with an incredible breakfast, devotion, more discussion, prayer and clean up. I can truly say that this is a group of Godly women who take their positions seriously and honestly want to make the ministry all that God has planned for it. The love of Christ and compassion for the women they serve was so apparent and the desire to do it well was abounding. I feel priveleged to be a part of it and really inspired and on fire to make whatever changes God has planned.
Anyway. Just wanted to share. I love feeling like I'm in the right place at the right time.