Thursday, January 17, 2008


10 years today. Marlon and I have been married 10 years. It's been such a ride. The marriage we have today I know only God could have orchestrated. The committment to Him and each other, the ability to rise above our selfishness and frustration, the desire to be together forever...these are things that not every marriage can boast of. I know that without Christ we would not be together. Do we ever argue? Oh yes. Do we ever hurt each other? Oh yes. Are there days we don't like each other? Oh yes. But love? Always. We've learned that the romantic love they talk about in movies and books is not the sustaining love that keeps a couple united and grounded forever. Can you have romance-definately. You should. But will that alone...or lust alone...or sex alone keep a couple together? Heck no.

We are speaking this Sat. at a couples date night at church. While I know there will be many couples there with more experience and vested years of marriage...I do believe we will have something to share because of where we've come from and what we've learned about each other, God, and marriage in our years together.

Ladies, stay in prayer over your man. Not that they will change to be what you want...but that they would realize who and become who God wants them to be. Pray for their heart and the desires. Pray that you learn how to meet their needs. Pray that God would draw you closer to each other each day. You will be amazed at how God will solidify and strengthen your bond to each other when you do this.

Off to sleep now. I have tomorrow and Friday off because I'm off to a ministry wives conference. I can't wait---it's truly a refreshing and rejuvenating weekend each year for me.



Amy said...

Happy Anniversary :)

How did last night go??? Between my sick kids and me now feeling sick I just couldn't make it...I miss it so much when I can't be there.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Beth said...

Happy Anniversary!! I hope you continue to have the love and happiness you both share now. Enjoy your day!