Well...it's 9:40ish on Monday and I am still so tired I could fall out right here on the keyboard, but I've been wanting to post about Breakaway since last night so I thought I'd just get on here and get to it :)
What an amazing weekend. Truly spirit-led, fun, refreshing, tiring, everything I needed it to be. God is so gracious to me. Friday we left about 1ish and headed down to the Grand Geneva. My mom, sister-Connie, Aunt Darlene and good friend Sue. We always go early so that we can get situated before the chaos of the 1000 other women arrive. After some initial mix-up with a room assignment that wasn't handicapped (we need this for my aunt) we were taken care of and in our room by 3:30ish so that was wonderful. The staff was pleasant, kind and courteous and very apologetic for not having an appropriate room set up for us. We settled in and had a light dinner in a hotel restaurant before heading down to the Forum for the evening's main session. It was fun and exciting too because of the Amazing Race being revealed this weekend. (you may remember that in Jan. my sister and I participated in a Breakaway Amazing Race that I had to keep secret until this past weekend)
There was just way too much that happened for me to ever put it all down in a blog. Just try and come anytime you can. Every March Breakaway is held. You can start registering usually in Dec. Your life will be changed. Period.
So the weekend got me thinking (as it normally does) about life, living out my faith, evangelizing, judgement...when I stray from His path is when everything goes wrong. We saw a drama about the Bema Seat (judgement seat) and what it might be like when Jesus returns and we have that judgement. Most Christians I know don't even know what that is. I certainly didn't until a few years ago.
A somewhat easy to understand definition is:
the Bema Seat is described in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15, "If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames."
Debate might vary on whether or not this occur as each person dies or upon the return of Christ. I chose not to dwell on either in regards to timing and just the simple fact that it's coming. It doesn't mean that all of your sins will pass before your eyes and God will shame you for what you did on earth. Be aware, scripture is clear that we will have to give an account to God for our lives and what we did on earth. Haven't you heard that to whom much is given much is expected? Or that each of us will give an account of himself to God. I desire so much to stand before him and have dozens of crowns to lay at His feet. While living eternally in His presence will certainly be beyond compare...how much more glorious to stand before Him and know that mighty work was done in His name and for the kingdom.
Our motives are so key in what we do. If I give to my church, but want everyone to know what and when I give...want to put restrictions on how it is used...let it go with a clenched fist...then I do not recieve reward for those impure motives. If I spend time in the word, but do it so that others give me compliments about quoting scripture or am franctically searching for a verse to "zap" somebody---that is nothing to be proud of. My own agenda might not be seen by others, and I can maybe even mask or hide it from myself...but the Creator of All, the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and end most certainly knows my heart and he sees what I stand or don't stand for.
The last thing I want to talk about are somethings that I felt convicted about over the weekend. I feel I can speak clearly on this because for so many years of my life I lived in lies. It was so much easier NOT facing difficult things, addressing issues, walking away from friends, than to live in truth. It is so easy for people to sit on high horses and point fingers at others never bothering to point the finger back at themselves. Hardly any problem, argument or issue is only one person's fault. Here are some things in my very short 35 years that I have learned as a wife, mother, sister, friend, parent, disciple of Christ:
EVERYBODY DOES NOT HAVE TO LIKE YOU. Do not live by the standards of others or this world, but His truth convicted in your soul and Christ's commands for you.
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Get over it and let it go. Take a deep breath, seek counsel from more mature Christians if needed, but don't let the "beliefs" of others sway you from God's will. If it smells like Satan, acts like Satan, and sneaks up like Satan....it's likely Satan. Remember that serpent in the garden looked harmless to Eve too.
ALWAYS SEEK GOD'S WILL. If you need to, each morning start with a prayer asking God to reveal to you what he'd like you to do for the day. Wait on His answer before acting. Don't rush around in life always worrying about having better, looking better, acting better....ALWAYS SEEK GOD'S WILL...
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSTITIVTY. Some people are "glass is half empty" kind of people, other's are "glass is half full" people. I love and have both in my life. They can both be grounded in Christ, so please don't take this next statement to mean that "glass is half empty" people can't be good Christians. I am not saying that. I am saying this: Encouragement is key, hope is key, knowing someone believes in you is key, consistently looking toward the heavens...these are things that "glass is half empty" people normally struggle with those things for themself====so how could they encourage me?
Alright all, heading off to bed and snuggle with my honey. Sue just wasn't as cuddly as Marlon!!!
Ha, ha!!