Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Alright, so my friend does these fun Thursday Thirteens from time to time so I feel inspired to as well!

These are thirteen things that you might not have known about me:

1. I am afraid of the dark. (extremely fearful--irrationally so.)

2. I enjoy horror movies but can't watch them alone.

3. At one time I owned 100 pairs of shoes. I

4. When I saw ET at the drive-in, I cried the entire way home.

5. I secretly wish I could be a stay-at-home mom. (well, not so secretly anymore)

6. I was in National Honor Society and graduated 40th in my class of over 400

7. I went to Chicago my freshman year of college on a partial Musical Theatre scholarship and wanted to be a Broadway star.

8. I do not believe in capital punishment.

9. I never had a honeymoon.

10. Marlon and I met booty dancing at a club :) (ok-so Amy knew that one!)

11. If I could do it without anyone else there ogling me---I'd still booty dance at a (there's nothin' like a good "Tootsie Roll"!!)

12. I like cemetaries

13. I have only mowed the lawn two times in my entire life.

Amy-u were right. That is fun!!


Amy said...

Yeah you did it!!!

I still think it is funny that we both met our hubby's booty dancing at a club...he he :)

I still laugh thinking we were probably out so many times at the same places.

I too am scared of the dark and I cannot watch scary movies....I can't even hear them on in another room...freaks me out.

Beth said...

ok, Im next. I can't now because Zach has a Basketball tourney all day. Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. Have a good weekend.

I'd love to see you and Marlon booty dance. I dance for crap. No soul in this bod :(