Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring has sprung!

Well...as much as it can in Wisconsin when chances are it's going to rain or snow by the end of the week...lol. But I don't care if it only lasts one more day---the sun is truly glorious!

Isn't it amazing how the sun can affect our dispositions? I know that when I feel the warmth of it's rays on my face it is so easy to smile. When a nice breeze hits you it's easy to let out a sigh of contentment. It's too bad that we can't keep the sun out in our hearts always. Maybe then our circumstances and the environment around us wouldn't dictate our attitudes so much.

It's easy to be pleasant, kind and courteous on a warm, sunny day when things are going well and all of your ducks are in a row. Not quite so when it's a mucky, rainy day and you got a flat-nobody stopped to help-and you forgot to send a lunch to school for your kids (um..yes, I have had that day...lol) But why do we let ourselves get caught up in our circumstances.

The speaker this weekend, Glenna Salsbury, talked about joy and how it does not come from us--but is of the Lord. I have heard this before and been taught this before...but for some reason this weekend it really resonated with me. Have you ever had that happen? You hear something for the upteenth time (just how many is upteenth time?) and suddenly it hits you.

Anyway--she gave us 3 little two-word phrases to help us in those times when something or someone is trying to steal our joy. Glenna encouraged us to only be concerned with that which is honoring to Christ. She suggested telling a friend so that they could help you out in rough times or even writing them as a note to yourself and posting them up somewhere.

They were:

**Oh, Well!** Example: Someone has just cut you off to get a prime parking spot that you waited patiently for. Instead of getting heated, shrug it off and say, "Oh, well!" In the scope of life really is it that important? "Oh, well...I'll just find another parking spot."

**Don't Engage!** Example: A person who you often butt heads with makes a snide comment and then smirks to see your response OR a child pushes your buttons for the millionth time that day just to see the steam come out of your ears. Instead of retorting that smart alleck comment or getting in your verbal jab, DON'T ENGAGE! Smile, nod, walk away, take a deep breath. DO NOT ENGAGE! Engaging often makes you look foolish, engaging often gets your goat and revs you up, engaging often takes your focus off of what it should be on.

**Who Cares!** Example: While on a field trip with your child, it seems like the other moms don't like you--they are ignoring you, whisper as you walk by and roll their eyes when you speak. Instead of worrying what you did or if they have a reason not to like you, take a deep breath and say, "Who Cares!" If these ladies don't like you--really--who cares? Does your worth revolve around what a random few think of you? Smile and rise above.

Since we came in second place, my sister and I got a basket full of DVDs, books, CDs, and candy. I am so excited to read Glenna's book The Art of the Fresh Start.

Mmmmmmmmm....Marlon is grilling tonight and it smells wonderful. He actually grilled steaks on Sun and burgers last night...it's ribs and chicken breast tonight. I love that smell! Isaiah just left for conditioning and the other boys and I will be heading out for Tuesday Nite Live . Tonight Women 2Day will have some large group time and a wonderful speaker that I always enjoy hearing is talking so I am excited. It will be a long night (Tuesdays just always are) but I know it will be great.

More tomorrow...

Oh, Well!!
Don't Engage!!
Who Cares!!


Amy said...

Oh my goodness Mindy....I just made a long post about some stuff and now just read yours...

"don't engage"...I needed to hear that.

read my post and pray for me to apply those things to my life.

Pray that I can have the power and strength to not engage this person and to say who cares.

I am so struggling with this and have been beating myself up for how I have been thinking/feeling.

I know how I want to live my life and the kind of person I want to be....why does it have to be such a struggle sometimes?

Mindy said...

That is so funny because I just finished leaving a comment on your blog!!!