Thursday, March 29, 2007

Boys, Boys, Boys...

The following is a conversation that occurred in the car yesterday when I picked up the boys from school. Jordyn just sat in the front seat with me shaking her head. Poor girl...

Isaiah: We had our human growth/health class today.
Elijah: Oh---you learned about bodies.
Me: Were you embarrassed at all?
Isaiah: No.
Izzy: Why would you be embarrassed...what is that?
Isaiah: You know, we learned about boys and girls, puberty, that kinda stuff.
Elijah: Like what?
Isaiah: Well, like the man has sperm and semen (now pronounced with a soft e just so you and the woman has an egg...
Elijah: What? We came from an egg?
Izzy: Yeah-you
Isaiah: No, not that kind of, I don't know...a different egg-in her tube.
Izzy: What?
Isaiah: Anyway--his private part goes with her private part and then the sperm and egg come together and sometimes God makes it a baby.
Me: It is confusing sometimes to know what everything is and what everything means. It's important to remember that sex is for when you are married and can share it with your spouse.

(At this point, Jordyn turns to me and rolls her eyes.)

Isaiah: (he's on a roll now) We also learned about puberty.
Me: What did they tell you about that.
Isaiah: Well, we are gonna get lower voices, and taller, bigger muscles (at which point all three boys start to flex)
Elijah: ...and moustaches, right?
Isaiah: Yeah...facial hair, body hair, body odor...gotta use deodorant,....OH! and our private part is gonna get bigger too!
Elijah: Holy crap!!

At this point Jordyn and I burst into laughter and tears. The boys laugh too because if you just could have heard Elijah's voice it was hysterical.

Izzy: Wow. (as he looks down!)

Jordyn: Mother, why did you have three boys.

I can't wait for puberty and those teen years. I am sure my stories will become more frequent and much more hilarious!

I am enjoying my day. I cleaned the entire top level. All three bedrooms and bathroom and hall. Baseboards, dusting, cobwebs, bedding, shampooed the felt so good just to get it all done. Last thing is the bathroom floor and then I am done! (and it's only 2pm) Tomorrow I'll concentrate on the main floor and Marlon and I are going to clean out the office. Yay! That definately needs it.

Alright, back to the house. Peace out.


Beth said...

You gotta loves those boys. Good thing Collin wasn't in the car when this was going on. I could just imagine Jordyn's facial expressions, how funny.
Are you ready for your party? I am ready to come!!! Have a good night sleep and see you tomorrow.

Beth said...
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Mindy said...

I am so ready and excited to get a new bag or two! Did you see your comment posted twice? That was happening to me the other day...dumb blog!

See you tomorrow---it'll be fun!

Amy said...

I laughed about that all the way home last night after you shared that with us.

I seriously think you should write a book with all the stuff your boys come up with.

I am planning on coming to your party too :) Just hoping Gabby is better..had her to the doctor today and he said we have the rotavirus in our house...yeah..fancy name for the stomach flu I guess.